Why are normies always so overdramatic when watching movies?

Why are normies always so overdramatic when watching movies?

Attached: reaction.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

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Because you’re an incel with no friends

that's kind of the purpose behind youtube reactions, dramatic reactions. no one would even watch it if its just some guy with a blank expression on his face the entire time

why she is holding both hands?

Because they're filming themselves and very aware of it? Are you fucking retarded?

Based guy at the back not giving a shit

They don't process anything internally. They have to always be acting and reacting to the ever present group . They're normalfags they can't experience life fully without some one there .

What about trailers?





guy in the back is me whenever i socialize

That shits gotta be fake, no one cares that much about a C list TV show

They are NPCs constantly looking for and giving behavior cues .

Attached: 1586478048418.png (250x347, 117.23K)

I only dont mind when it's actually an authentic reaction and not a obviously fake one. I usually laugh at normies who do that and they feel bad afterwards. Imagine being an npc

Do people really have paintings of Jesus in their houses?

Me on the left

He's freaking based

have sex

Why do you get so upset that some people get joy from watching their favorite tv shows, user?

Attached: 1568158721975.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

fucking based

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because theyre not obsessed with how other people view them like the incel

This is an edit, post the real one

Why do people point cameras at themselves?
That's not what they're for

Attached: 1588150179935.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

Ad revenue


Do Americans really do this in cinemas?
Like what the fuck, imagine paying for your ticket to watch a film and having to listen to these fucking children.

do the two guys on the left share the girl with the pillow?
look at his left hand and eyes when she walks away

That's a reflection in the mirror, you absolute idiot.

imagine the girl on the chair doing that on top of your dick

no it's Jesus

Attention whores the lot of em

nobody does it better than indian chads


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15.85K)


Man you can literally smell the estrogen emanating from the webbum

>watch me react to TV
How did we get here?

Based Chad in the back not even watching it

it's good to see women have strong attachments for Asian male characters

>there's a TV show in the UK called Goggle Box which is literally just people watching telly

I fucking hate it, and I hate that people actually like and watch it and I don't fucking understand it. These fucks THESE CUNTS THESE TALENTLESS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I hate wojakposting but this literally sums up you creeps

Attached: 56486157.jpg (750x788, 85.16K)

gogglebox is classism disguised as entertainment

Cause they're acting for the camera. Gotta get those youtubebux
Which shitflick are they reacting to?

please be bait

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I want to see more of the doggo.

Once upon a time you had to be special to be on telly
None of these fuckwits would ever make it past the auditions for You Bet

>has the room lights bright just to film this fake reaction
The internet, once thought to liberate humankind, has only proved to enslave it more. Vulnerable minds preyed upon by every dishonest deceptive money-hungry psycho imaginable.

That's a reflection

It's not enslavement, you melodramatic cunt
It's just cunts pretending to be dicks

>be attractive mongoloid
>go on an island with other attractive mongoloids
>now I'm a ""celebrity"" making hundreds of thousands of her madge's glorious face because of endorsements and sponsorships


>White guy trying to pretend he gives a shit
>Mexican wishing he was anywhere else but here

Both me.



this isn't that far from the truth
i don't think they would react like that if they were watching alone

Me on the left

They are bluepilled NPCs

i have friends and we dont cry, yell, clap when we are watching movies together. i always thought it's an american thing.