Any movies about modern day America ?

Any movies about modern day America ?

Attached: america.png (1159x592, 1.38M)

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damn trumptards really are the lowest iq species on the planet

>videotape reasonable people
>edit everything to make them looks stupid
it's so transparent. can you even think critically?

Attached: lockdown-protests-1.jpg (962x641, 102.74K)

I dont believe that you actually believe that these people were the victim of editing. Watch the video

The dude at 2:35 is unironically pretty based

I really struggle to understand how the average IQ in the U.S is 100 when the country is filled with niggers and Trump supporters.

>reasonable people

Attached: DiqW-YxUwAAlSb8.jpg (750x743, 38.3K)

kek be careful OP I got banned for 3 days for making a thread about this same video

How many hours do think this kike spent "interviewing" people before he had enough footage for his cherry picked "LOL WHITE PEOPLE DUMB" video?

All Gas No Brakes is the best Youtube series yet. I love that the guy isn't even trying to fuck with people, he just lets morons hoist themselves by their own petard.

>reasonable people
>NC protests end up spiking the covid cases up to 500 in a single day
>leader of protest, gets sick and fucking dies

Attached: 9ie56Hv.jpg (800x600, 83.43K)

>Whose agenda do you think this is
My sides

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Dude just stay indoors for 4 years until Bill finishes inventing your mandatory chip

He's at a rally of ameridumbs PROTESTING the lockdown.

Think for yourself Yas Forumstard

Can't wait for his video on Drag Queen Story Hour

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It all looks shot at the same time, weather appears the same as well as sun position so probably in one morning, maybe 2 hours tops.

>literally seething

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All Gas No Brakes is fucking based and his flat earth convention video is certified kino desu.

I'm glad he's getting the attention he deserves.


>mindlessly accepting the suspension of your rights
>accusing anyone else of not thinking for themselves

you do not have the right to terrorize others


what happened to America? What broke everyones brains, 9/11? It really all seems to have gone way downhill since about 2000

The entire world has to sit this one out, amerishard

but they are...

>suspension of your rights
You people have the biggest fucking victim narrative on planet earth, Christ almighty. Meanwhile, people get murdered and "disappeared" in China for posting memes.

>Joe Goes turns into a tranny
>This man takes his place

Life is a repeating cycle.

He does really well with that Louis Theroux quality of doing nothing/little enough so that the interviewee can really shoot off. My favourite videos are the AVN awards and Furrfest.

>The documentary compares the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump to the 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln, and explores the role of the Democratic Party in opposing both presidents.

>In the documentary, D'Souza accuses the modern Democratic Party of racism, and attempts to demonstrate how Democrats have used accusations of racism, white supremacy, and fascism as a tool to discredit the political right. He said that the modern political left is currently using these types of accusations in attempts to remove Trump from office "by any means necessary." D'Souza also attempts to demonstrate a connection between the Democratic Party's past racism and advocacy for white supremacy and the current party, while saying that the Republican Party has not advocated such things.

>In addition, D'Souza claims that fascism is a left-wing, rather than right-wing ideology, and that fascist regimes such as the Nazi Party have historically both praised the Democratic Party and utilized American racial law to inspire their own racial laws.

>These statements are used to draw parallels between the modern political climate surrounding the election and presidency of Donald Trump with the historical events surrounding Abraham Lincoln's election, presidency, and assassination.

Attached: Death_of_a_Nation_documentary_film_poster.jpg (260x384, 24.69K)

>posts the most Reddit President ever born

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then ask yourself, if a reasonable person was questioned would they show it?

A big chunk of these protesters have to be false flaggers, right?

OP said movies, not propaganda pieces.

woah wtf, that one image makes me hate Drumpf now!

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Rent free ahmed

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No reasonable person is outside in a crowd, without a mask on, protesting during a pandemic that's already killed nearly 60 thousand Americans user...

But democrats are the real racists. My history PHD from PragerU told taught me that.

most people aren't wearing masks and the pandemic is a hoax anyways, so jokes on you