Honestly speaking, how would you defend yourself against her?

Honestly speaking, how would you defend yourself against her?

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distract her licking her cunny

Play dead

Tell her I'm and ICE agent.

Win her over with kisses and hugs

I would shit myself in fear so hard than she wouldn't be able to approach me because of the stench.

There isn’t much she’d be able to do once my penis was in her vagina. Other than cum, of course.

adamantium penis



ore wa watashi wa a mid-range weapon like a bō or a three-sectioned-staff.


seek help

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She's a fucking teenage girl. Throw her a smartphone full of girls texting about cute black boys. She'll be distracted in no time.

GOD I want to get punched by a little girl

where are those claws stored, her wrists? It doesn’t seem anatomically possible even in-universe

I'll hold her down
Do it

I would get naked and follow her around doing an dick helicopter trying to hit her. user 1 little girl 0

What if she chops your dick off with her claws?

I'd quickly pull my pants down and embarrass her so much that she forgets to maul me with her claws

>too late for a sequel
ffs bros

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Asian hands typed this

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Tickle her into submission.

She seems like a perfect fit still

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She is a little girl, user. She would be so scared that she would have her eyes closed the entire time. She wouldn't dare touching my disgusting dick anyways, even with her claws. I know how little girls think, trust me I am an expert.

Perfect for this outfit though

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