Married... with Children

God bless Al Bundy

Attached: al-bundy-drinking-beer.jpg (800x596, 39.77K)

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quite possibly the worst aging show of all time. it's pure cringe to watch nowadays

Zoom zoom.

woman detected

there's a reason why it isn't syndicated like most other 90's shows

cope and seethe

>tfw no prime Kelly gf

Attached: Kelly Pink.gif (293x220, 2.87M)

Cringe turbocuck show. The dude refused to fuck his smoking hot wife.

Yeah, the reason is that they can't handle the truth bombs it drops

The reason is that it would get taken down because it's going against the whole PC thing.

They warned us about Hollywood. But we didn't listen.

Attached: married, with children predicted the future of hollywood, black cop.png (512x384, 298.72K)

R.I.P. those beautiful globes

Where did the two kids come from?

>there's a reason why it isn't syndicated
But it is syndicated you retard.

Post rare bob rooneys

Attached: 9y7Aexwi7wQvwVGHu-rd-cOjF0_fNn0fmOhiZMI2vHGXW0puLR8rt7EaHNwcgR5-rhPPlj9qEOHeXFuOvZ0ZoneK0vpj94Wmqtev4x-7yLE.jpg (500x375, 35.88K)

We had an argentinian adaptation here, I watched both, I liked more the argie

Attached: 1.jpg (1256x620, 268.5K)

Every country made their own version.

Attached: Streetz-VS.-Al-Bundy.jpg (454x468, 28.16K)

How come he never wanted to fuck Peggy, Bros?

Peg was prime-A fuck material, but if you had to put up with her every day, you'd never want to look at her either

God, the Bulgarian version was atrocious even by our own low standards

He was just tired of it and probably had repressed anger about her being such a shitty wife

Unless you were born in the early 80's or before, you were too young to get this show.

He did want she started doing chores.

Eastern Europe was culturally in the 80s even in the early 00s so this show was a massive hit

what a cringe post

Take this for example.
If i didn't know any better I'd swear this was an 80s song.

Haha, Al Bundy is such a BIG LOSER, haha am I right guys?

Imagine unironically believing for a second that a show this based would be able to be aired in this day and age without a mountain of whiny complaints

It still airs every day.

Its weird to me that russia was able to make hundreds of episodes in 4 years, they adapted every episode then hired the original writers to help write more

Al was a fagmo.

I'm impressed by the amount of women who were involved with writing and directing this show, its pretty based but there are some episodes that get to sad for me to watch

>Where did the two kids come from?

Al's gayness didn't develop until they'd been married a few years.

So a normal marriage?

Philip Rosenthal has a cool story about Russians trying to adapt Everybody loves Raymond. He says they kept trying to make Debrah into some gown-wearing theatrical wife with heavy makeup all the time. He kept trying to explain to them that she's supposed to be an everyday woman, just dressed casually but they didn't get it. She's a female actor so she has to be dressed like a female actor, big clothes and big makeup