ITT Times you were represented in media

ITT Times you were represented in media

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Other urls found in this thread:

are you a twitter eceleb?

>im so lonelyyyyyy im a perfect catch for any woman why doesnt anyone want me!@!!!!

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I looked up one of the guys and he had like 100 followers

Hello Charles. You can stop shilling this shit to cheat on your gf for some arthoe director that promised you would get your 15 minutes of fame. Now kys faggot.

And PS: Shove all of the Max Stirner books you've read up your pasty white ass

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It’s the worst documentary I’ve ever seen, Shy Boys was better, stop spamming your shit “documentary”

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countering this post hello charles, please fuck me

Kyle? Hes had like 100 accounts

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I went into it wanting to like it. Wanting it to say something about society, but it didn't have anything of value to say, and i think that says a lot.

Who cares, there's cool music and you get to see the rooms of Yas Forums/twitter celebrities

Cum Guzzling Sluts 9

Nice, another shill thread for this garbage. What will the universal narrative be this time?

>1000 threads about new superhero movie
>1 thread about a movie about Yas Forums

Hey Charles, just because you want Yas Forums to be shut down and more chaotic than it is now, doesn't mean you represent the entire board. You have a gf, why are you wasting your time here? Can't you just be the former incel turned Chad you claim to be elsewhere?

That turtle kid knew what was up.

Tbh for all the talk of representation, how many Yas Forums-type characters have there been? Only one I can think of is the kid from Knives Out

Wait which was the Turtle kid

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it's because Yas Forums is mostly plebbitors now that came here from the /r/Yas Forums subplebbit. they read the know your meme article on Yas Forums before posting and now believe the le epic rules 1 & 2 muh le epic secret clubhouse shit from 2005. they basically think to fit in you have to constantly shit on everything and get insanely butthurt when any outside org turns their gaze on Yas Forums.

essentially they're overcompensating because deep down they themselves know that they're frauds. they have extreme imposter syndrome and use every opportunity they can to shit on anyone outside the website who draws attention to Yas Forums. they think it makes them look like a le epic oldfag but in reality it just makes them look like a normalfag plebbitor trying to fit in.


>uses reddit spacing
your documentary sucks ass, objectively.

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Is he lying about getting girls? I really don't believe him when he says they like hearing him ramble about German Idealism

Before his final scene they show a tweet of his where he blames women, the media and a few other things
he was lying for sure

Your brain must've been swelling when you made this retarded post.

Pretty impressed with Jonah Hill in it

I have a feeling that the director is shilling this documentary on here. By now we all have seen it and we all agree that it's shit and had nothing to do with internet culture at all. Let alone wojack.