Whatever happened to cool title designs? Nowadays, titles are simply given a boring, minimalist font like Arial Black

Whatever happened to cool title designs? Nowadays, titles are simply given a boring, minimalist font like Arial Black.

Attached: cool logos.png (1000x670, 422.79K)

oh im sure you know more than marketing firms buddy

These look fucking shit besides the Jurassic park one


What a retarded thing to whine about. Shut the fuck up and die, boomer.

2 summers ago I watched either Batman (1989) or Casino Royale at least once a day every day from the beginning of June til the end of August
Am I based?

Literally who gives a shit

Scott Pilgrim vs the World ruined a whole generation of title designers

Attached: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.webm (1280x693, 2.96M)


Cringe redditors.

Based Yas Forums kinoseur.

>most of upcoming replies
Angry trannies.

>cringe OP

>SP is supposed to be a poor talentless garagerocker
>Plays a fucking mint Rickenbacker
God fucking dammit this movie pissed off the spergy Yas Forumstant in me
For those who don't know his bass is basically the musical equivalent of driving a BMW

I'm not even OP lol. See?

That's what he played in the comics, dumbfuck

>I-I'M not OP heehee silly
Don't believe his lies

He's right. I'm OP and you're a faggot.

So the comic is shit too, thank you for letting us know.

I'm legally able to vote, why the fuck would I read comic books?

You'd rather watch a movie than read? You know niggers do that, right?

Minimalism is best ism.

Economies of scale and disregard for quality. Movies are being pumped out and regurgitated much more than before. As such they try to cut corner wherever they can. Title art is an obvious one.

Because it is too difficult to translate title designs to different languages.

Minimalism is generic trash for npcs. Nothing minimalist is memorable due to the minimalism itself and not prior notoriety. Everyone will always remember the title card for Predator, Indiana Jones, Aliens, Jurassic Park, etc but if I were to ask you about Dark Phoniex, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman, and any other recent garbage you'd have no fucking clue without typing it out in google.

Niggers don't watch movies. They talk, eat, and say "OH SHIT HE FINNA GET DABBED ON" while flicks play in the background
Also they read comics


That's because you saw those movies as a kid

Thanks globalism and the need to standardize everything.

Are you saying that people that saw them when older wouldn't be able to recall the logos? How disingenuous. Do a little thought experiment for yourself and ask the zoomers that grew up with capeshit in 10 years if they can recall the logos for the shit they watched. You will most likely be surprised that they can't even do the Avengers title, while sane humans would expect this.

>Do a little thought experiment for yourself and ask the zoomers that grew up with capeshit in 10 years if they can recall the logos for the shit they watched.
How is that a thought experiment then, you fucking retard? Goddamn you nostaligafags are certifiably vacuum headed.
All I can say is that 10 years from now present day zoomers will remember the gay capeshit logos since that's all they grew up with, just like how you grew up with all the gay logos you love.

I mean thought at first wanting to tell you if you could remember yourself in 10 years but then I realised that was still an applied one so I went ahead and made the variables more defined but forgot to write empirical instead of thought, my bad.

>All I can say is that 10 years from now present day zoomers will remember the gay capeshit logos since that's all they grew up with, just like how you grew up with all the gay logos you love.
Sure they fucking will. You could test it out just now by showing some 16 year old the Avengers and Predator logo and asking him a week later to draw it and you'd realize how limited you are.

This is what happens when you have a generation of zoomers grow up in a culture of shit. They look at all the uncreative, boring shit and think it's just as good as actual high quality art.

If faggots like you were in charge of coming up with logo designs for old movies, they'd look like this.

Attached: zoomer logos.png (703x368, 8.22K)

Why yes I do. How did you know?

>Predator logo
What a horrible example to choose. Literally just block text. If it's remembered at all it's because there's nothing to remember about it.

>Avengers logo
Stylized A with an arrow. That's pretty much it. Simple to remember. I can tell you don't actually know what zoomers do because my cousins draw this shit all over their notebooks, it's the current generation's S symbol.

Meanwhile you're choosing titles from movies spread over 20 years. Not cherry picking at all. And I'm not even mentioning how Predator and Batman are just simply blocky fonts.

Can't wait for the next generation to do the exact same thing. And you fuckers think you're above NPCs.

Star Wars logos then

Attached: star wars 1.png (775x623, 495.14K)

>Angry trannies.

Star Wars logos now.

Attached: star wars 2.jpg (750x341, 31.14K)

>Literally just block text
You blind-ass motherfucker. Your opinion is worthless.

>Stylized A with an arrow. That's pretty much it. Simple to remember. I can tell you don't actually know what zoomers do because my cousins draw this shit all over their notebooks, it's the current generation's S symbol.
Legit horseshit. Don't ever bother doing a few yourself on your old dropout's notebooks. Although I wouldn't be surprised for zoomer to have such trash taste, they sill wouldn't be arsed to remember or even draw when their hands are glued to their phones.

>What a horrible example to choose. Literally just block text. If it's remembered at all it's because there's nothing to remember about it.
Literal zoomer opinion. Underage reddit zoomer disregarded.

computers killed graphic design

Unironically the marketing industry has been in a nose dive for the last decade.
The problem is when you had late gen x and millennials finally getting old they only knew a world where they were THE prime demographic, as a result everyone just became partially immune to marketing, which made it even harder to advertise towards them.
As a result they've been in a panic identifying new marginal audiences to see if maybe they can trick them into buying this product because its the best soda-pop for interracial gay transexual mole-people from the center of the hollow flat earth because they just don't know what else to do.
The success of the human species is because we're very very good at figuring out systems and how to game them for your benefit with the minimum of effort.

SOUL (vision)

SOULLESS (consumable)

>just block text
Imagine having such shallow opinions.

Attached: rsz_batman-1024x585.jpg (1024x585, 50.34K)

>Movies don't stay in the theaters that long
>No one buys physical media anymore
Making garbage posters and titles is just cost cutting.
Why hire an artist to make a really creative eye catching encapsulation of the movie when you can let your 12 year old play around on photoshop for free when only .01% of the audience is going to care?

Because it's a whole. It complements the logo and creates a lasting impactful image. Of course a braindead zoomer like you wouldn't understand anything of the sorts, seeing as studios today don't bother making anything memorable for you negative attention span zombies.

and your qualifications are?