Kinos only you have seen but others need to see

>Kinos only you have seen but others need to see
I'll start

Attached: Twister.jpg (1600x2375, 833.6K)

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this movie is based

Pure Unfiltered Kino

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What the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger? Everyone knows Twister is kino. Crichton-kino, no less.

really surprised how good this was. its like the Witch but weirder and funnier.

Attached: november.jpg (602x903, 85.17K)

this movie made me afraid of wind. I haven't left my house since my dad bought this VHS 25 years ago

Unironically Heat Legends best film

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Hah look at that hipster trash


Literally kino

>bone chilling slow burn

Attached: soy023.jpg (218x250, 5.61K)

Honestly fuck off

not everyone saw Twister but everyone recognizes the scene with a cow. That's true. You can ask anybody

>Honestly fuck off

Attached: soy7.png (785x1000, 253.59K)

>only I have seen twister
You must be a zoomer

Attached: mouse hunt.jpg (220x329, 18.12K)

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> soy07.jpg
> soy023.jpg
not obsessed btw

this really was Kino. I can't think of any other movie that is a period piece smattered with anachronistic modern stuff and just shrugging it off as part of the setting. The creators of this movie tried something really left field and it turned out KINO.

Pretty much everyone has seen Twister.

Literally kino movie.

Attached: mouse hunt.webm (1024x576, 2.5M)

Dude what? When I was a kid I was obsessed with this movie. I rented the VHS like 5 times

Also the sets are so fucking good, no CGI shit just real sets

>yeah I order my soi collection so what

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nice digits. Weird fact: the director Jan de Bont was red hot after he made Speed and Twister back to back but then Speed 2 was so poorly received that he was never allowed to direct anything of note again.

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Absolute bulgarian kino.

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Fuck, I cried alot when they destroyed the place he sleeps when I was a kid.

you stupid fucks. I watch these movies once a year.

post a film idiot

(literally) kino

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everyone has seen these movies you dimwits

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