How come most people don't seem able to remember what happened in this show?

How come most people don't seem able to remember what happened in this show?

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speak for yourself, zoomer, I remember it perfectly so I know that SEASON 3 WAS THE ABSOLUTE PEAK, with S4 finale and S5 e06 e07 e08 close second

Pic related is the only thing that mattered. If she doesn't die I will reenact the entire show where I play every single character. If she dies, I will joker

Attached: kimpewpew.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Because it's more about the characters than it is the particular ins and outs of whatever the cartel is doing this week. They just put that shit in as filler for the plebs.

I literally remember every episode, every episode title, and can tell you exactly what happens in each one.

I love Kimmy so much bros. I hope nothing bad happens to her.

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most people only watch it once, usually when it airs
First season was in 2015, try and remember something specific from that year

hard to believe that hed experience such a personal tragedy and still be good ol natured saul in bb.
also, kim fucking him over seems more plausible to jimmy as a character and doesnt warrant some greek tragedy tier drama anyway.

Forget Kim. Slippin Jimmy is sitting there telling her Howard doesn't deserve it, but she presses forward anyway, it's unbelievable. She is going to get bamboozled

The scene of her as a little girl obviously shows that she doesn't listen. Rich knew she hired Jimmy for the Tucumcari hoax and she still wouldn't listen, made a huge lying argument in the hallway. If she wants to do criminal law,this pro bono angle makes no sense. This character is poorly written. Her scenes with Chuck and Lalo show she is a very skilled litigator, that then wants to self destruct

I don't see where you make the jump to poorly written. Its clear that her childhood was a trainwreck, and thats what that flashback was getting at more so than she just isn't a good listener. She adopted the law as a coping mechanism to try and find direction, and Jimmy has shown her that it can be manipulated to reach desired ends that otherwise wouldn't be attainable.

unironically it's a slow burner to the point of almost stillness. It's hard to keep track of nothing happening

can't remember anything if nothing ever happens

>most people

It's her decision making that is poorly written. Remember the first pro bono guy who immediately held up Saul? When is she going to realize these people are criminals. She did not grow up in the hard streets of Chicago like Jimmy.

Jimmy is talking about minor transgressions, Kim is talking about ruining someone's entire life. I think people only see the "success" she's attained, like Howard, but don't see who she really is. A mess. She risked her entire career for that redneck out in the desert, then broke down in tears and decided to get married, it doesn't make sense. That being said I'm glad they are quietly enjoying being married

our first kiss

I didn't watch much of it. The show should have been completely about saul jewing people. Thats all I wanted out of it.

ive been rewatching some of season 1 and god damn this show used to be more interesting. now it's just stupid ass cartel bullshit with these evil cartoon characters waltzing around making funny faces and shit. i guess this is their way of amping up the stakes but we already know who's going to survive and who isn't (with the possible exception of kim and nacho)

>at a party with a bunch of hot women
>spends the whole time touching on and staring at one guy
what did he mean by this?

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low IQ

Isn't there a 3 hour supercut of the first 5 seasons because nothing happens?

Huell is also poorly written. He's so insistent about the sanctity of marriage but he wants to go steal a wedding ring? This show is written by people who are completely out of touch and insist on demeaning people

Sneed (formerly Chuck [formerly alive]) McGill

The real question is why does everyone jerk off over Lalo? His power level is no where near Mike's, despite his age.
Sure, maybe Lalo would be a better Operator now, but most of what makes a player in the BB universe is scheming/preparation/business acumen. Intelligence in general.
And in his day Mike would've smoked Lalo 1v1.
You can't argue this.

But again, I don't see how the decision making is poorly written. When she decided to fully commit to Jimmy, she did so because she knew what their combined forces were capable of, but for this to manifest she needed to be in the know without their being a barrier of no transparency. There are other underlying reasons here too, the sunk cost fallacy, path dependency, but its not really relevant to this conversation. The blending of their powers between the legitimate and illegitimate is an idea to goes back to season 4, specifically the diner scene after the Huell con. After almost losing Jimmy in the desert and the Lalo encounter, she realized that she wants to prioritize whats most important to her moving forward. Her skewed moral compass would not be compatible as Mesa Verde any longer. Let's be honest, Howard is on the verge of getting his shit pushed in, and Kim knows this and so does Jimmy. The reason Jimmy is hesitant is not because he's concerned that the operation will flop, but because he's finally come to terms with what his undermining of Kim's perspective of the law has turned her in to. She's entirely ends oriented now, making quick work of a lawyer she has very little respect for in order to establishing their joint dream of an office together where she gets to help the needy is probably does not get much better. Its why the fantasy of it is so tantalizing and why she pushes Jimmy to follow her down this path because instead of placing boundaries on their powers for the sake of saving face like they have the entire run of the show, they are going to lift these off and devolve in tandem.

this guy gets it, everyone is watching but they dont really use their eyes, they are listening but they cant hear anything... It-s all there, Kim is a nutjob, Jimmy is gonna have a breakdown over his dead brother still, and Lalo is gonna get his own spin off because he is way too fucking based for current year +8

lalo can kill people from 100m away by blindfiring an assault rifle at full auto from a very awkward position. mike doesnt stand a chance

since not much happened at all its pretty easy to remember these few..

Mike wouldn't have had to get into an awkward position. He would have blinked, grunted, sighed, then flipped a switch, detonating the tunnel and burying them alive.
Lalo isn't in BB. Either Mike owned him so bad he never returned to the states, or more likely, he killed him.

lalo will kill him in his home under the cover of night and craft a disguise out of his skin, becoming him for the rest of the series and breaking bad too

Kim insists on wearing the pants. She quit the firm out of pure ego. The assistant had it wrapped up, the secretary had it wrapped up, she can't handle it. She is a huge control freak. She also didn't care about partnering with Jimmy at all, she like Jimmy because Chuck was his brother. Some people are just like this they don't care about you, they care about who you know. Now Jimmy is wooing her back with dreams of a ranch in Montana and she's listening. Typical woman shit

I don't, he's a piece of shit like all the other salamancas and I can't wait for Nacho to murder him in cold blood