Congratulations, user! Jack Nicholson's coming out of retirement for one last movie

And he wants you to write it! You've got Jack on the phone. Let's hear your pitch!

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i dont care, fuck that weirdo

It's called "CORONADODGER", and he has to figure out a way to get treatment for his various diseases without getting contaminated by any doctor, nurse or hospital staff

Jabba: A Star Wars Story
Directed by Scorcese

The Shining 2
Doctor Put Me To Sleep doesn’t count

Jack, how do you feel about Mata Nui...?

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What would it be about?

Wouldn't that be kinda like Orson Welles voicing Unicron in his last role?

Jack being stuck in the spirit world and haunting Danny in real life

It's going to be a live-action

Marlon Brando biopic

Joker II. Jack plays a mild mannered dude who pisses off the Joker randomly in traffic. Joker spares him but later makes the guy do favor for him.

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Also starring Joe Pesci as the little monkey creature.

I think Jack once said the one role he regretted turning down was Oliver Stone's Nixon. So maybe a pensive drama about the last years of Richard Nixon.
Salacious B. Crumb

>We're remaking Chinatown but this time you're playing John Huston's character, hello... are you still there? Jack? Who's playing Jake? I'm glad you asked, test audiences love him. We're going with Joaquin... Yes, because of Joker. Of course, Todd is on-board. Jack? Hello?

Crab Nicholson: Extreme Sleepover

I’d actually like that, Nixon had an interesting post-presidency that never really gets discussed much outside of the Frost/Nixon interviews.
Richard Nixon dealing with his wife Pat’s death would be kino with Jack.

He should play Harvey W

Citizen Kane meets About Schmidt. I dig it.

retired cab driver needs to solve a murder that happened on his route in 1989 because it's linked to an international terror conspiracy involving irans revolution and if he can remember where he put the microfilm it could change history forever.


Capekino, combining elements of Kingdom Come and Return of the Joker

Michael Keaton...Batman
Brandon Routh...Superman
Jack Nicholson...Joker
And as long as we're bringing dudes out of retirement...
Gene Hackman...Lex Luthor

A remake of Celtic Pride, but the Lakers instead of the Celtics, and it's more like Misery.

The Shining but instead of a hotel it's about being stuck inside during quarantine

I think he was rumored for some Paul Thomas Anderson movie a while back (before he did The Master instead), called "Power Play". I don't remember the details. He was going to be a Hollywood producer or a casino owner who clashed with Native Americans and/or the mob. I know that's vague, but PTA and Jack could be cool.

Chinatown 3: Corona

theres a shortage of toilet rolls and Jake Gittes has to roll up his sleeves and get to work!

Interesting. Is this the murder of an Iranian diplomat or something?

Jack Nicholson as dril, just being a faggot on twitter .

Right so basically the film starts off with jack nicholson on the toilet taking a shit and then he looks up at the camera and says "i hate getting old" and then he goes back to his chair in the diner and harrison ford crashes his plane through the window and then says something like "now that's what you call a crash landing" and then the rest of the film is just footage of jews being bulldozed into mass graves at auschwitz whaddya think

Wouldn't Chinatown 3 take place in the 1970s, if the timelines line up?

Maybe go Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, even get meta if Jake is trying to stop a child rapist from making a movie about him. Could be interesting.

that's just for the imdb plot summary.