Movie posters

Post your favorites and shit on the plebs

Attached: MV5BMTU0MzcxMTAxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODMyMTIxMTE@._V1_.jpg (1382x2048, 778.48K)

i dont have any

Currently sitting under this

Attached: 81YYZ+j7aqL._AC_SL1465_.jpg (1028x1465, 216.72K)

A classic

Attached: il_570xN.1365646521_t6p0.jpg (570x859, 72.73K)

Miss painted one.

Attached: ec2fb15e0814d8bb991279e00f20666a.jpg (1917x2926, 976.53K)

No minimalist shit allowed btw

Attached: download.jpg (185x273, 7.76K)

British Quad posters are always good.

Attached: l19985-b6vww-01.jpg (2000x1490, 815.61K)

Attached: Bond-poster-1974-The-man-with-the-golden-gun-580x917.jpg (580x917, 158.81K)

Attached: altered states.jpg (426x640, 54.37K)

holy based

Attached: MV5BNzlhYjEzOGItN2MwNS00ODRiLWE5OTItYThiNmJlMTdmMzgxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg (1832x2840, 1.56M)

Attached: demon seed.jpg (580x885, 89.33K)

Haven't seen this, is it worth a watch?

maybe if you into 70s/80s scifi sure otherwise i would not recommend

Attached: the keep.jpg (800x1200, 169.58K)

Attached: bulworth.jpg (1010x1500, 304.18K)

I've actually been on a Cronenburg binge, starting with the films I'd already seen - Eastern Promises and History of Violence - and recently started with his early body horror

Proper enjoyed videodrome, scanners was pretty good - I think I'll give the Brood a go next, then I'm eying up Dead Ringers.

Any other essentials? doesn't have to be Cronenburg

Attached: un chien andalou.jpg (2029x2948, 1.15M)

Attached: 91c4a81d84b8799d56ead40785afafe2.jpg (1600x1191, 429.01K)

Attached: lolita.jpg (540x720, 120.07K)

Attached: Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II.jpg (2060x2929, 1.43M)

Attached: godzilla-vs-biollante-531372d962980.jpg (600x855, 154.51K)

That's pretty cool, who's the artist?

Attached: Thedevils1971poster.png (256x388, 190.54K)

Only good minimalist poster

damn thats weird, i was CONVINCED altered states was made cronenberg too before i looked it up, but nah it was some other guy
yeah altered states is very fucking similar to cronenberg tho so check it out if you like his stuff, and i dunno, i'd rec Demon Seed, pretty fucking schloky but fucked up in the same sort of cronenberg way

Attached: la guerre du feu.jpg (600x800, 79.43K)

Attached: thx1138.jpg (730x1115, 88.61K)

Attached: pAGzz--FuYNpoq5aWrVC9VLnLIZzIupa7aJKpy8duZc.jpg (800x1131, 113.9K)

Attached: good guys wear black.jpg (2071x3149, 1.56M)

Attached: LEGEND-POSTER.jpg (1000x1500, 325.39K)

I was wondering how long it would be until some fuck posted this, I genuinely thought it would have been sooner

Attached: letters from a dead man.jpg (307x445, 28.11K)

Attached: army of darknessu.jpg (961x1500, 456.83K)

Attached: gugukkusu.jpg (1386x2007, 525.94K)

Have you seen that Maps to the Stars? I feel like I should give it a go because it's Cronenburg but I don't know anything about it other than the hollywood setting which I don't think I care about

Attached: the 4th man.jpg (1190x1800, 537.67K)

Attached: vigil.jpg (363x512, 53K)

nope, if youre very into weird shit tho and havent seen it already, check out his adaptation of Naked Lunch, plenty of bizarre shit, because well, its based on naked lunch.
even if you havent read the book tho i think it's an enjoyable 2 hours

Attached: hi mom.jpg (960x1440, 309.98K)

Attached: visitor of a museum.jpg (220x350, 26.13K)

ah ha, yeah this was already on my radar- I love how Peter Wellers turned down Robocop 3 for it.

is the book worth reading?