Are you ready?

Are you ready?

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Ive already decided not to watch it.

I made that decision when no Deakins.

Do you have "ᑐᑌᑎᕮ" saved somewhere on your computer so you can copy paste it? Cringe.


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can't wait till all these twitter fags find out that all the black cast characters have like 2 minutes of screentime max and almost all of them get killed and/or lead by a white male lmao

Star wars faggots shit up everything

>his keyboard doesn't have a key for every unicode character

How much are you being paid to shill this trash? Can I get paid too? Where do I apply?

t. jelly janny dreaming of being paid


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man that Lynch Yueh was just terrible in every conceivable way

Why? How do you know it won't be good?

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hollywood can't even make star wars, the brainlet dune

>It's.... salt

It all depends on whether or not their shields have soul

>How do you know it won't be good?
How do you know it won't be shit? Literally everything we know of it so far (casting, costumes, cinematography, deviations from the book) is trash.

>Timothee Chalamet
More like Timothee Chala-GAY

It's not Dune anymore. It's DUNC

>only HALF OF THE FIRST BOOK will be adapted
>still people get mad like it's another Lord of The Rings


Why not? Someone’s being paid to shill this vomit. Why shouldn’t it be me?

>It's DUNC

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I think it's pretty good. Certainly more book accurate than the Lynch version
I agree here, though third party promo pics are not so representative of the film itself
What's wrong with Fraser? Promo pics are not stills from the film.
>deviations from the book
The Kynes gender swap is silly I agree here aswell, but according to literally any actual Villeneuve interview about Dune ever he is clearly turboautistic about the book for decades and I doubt he'll let any major changes to the story to be done

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Ah yes the "lets not light anything so people won't notice we didn't spend money on intricate designs" strategy. I love these type of films!

June? Wtf is that

Oh shit, the cast Piter!

Can't wait for more Chadamet kino.

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I don't know why everyone is freaking out about DUNC production photos. Denis Villenueve is proven KINO. Cast looks phenomenal.

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more like dunce lmao

and your picture is also not the best example since it's nothing but trailer wide shots

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We haven't seen any cinematography yet you retard

what a based movie