
Should I bother watching Season 4, if they just 'gas leak' it?

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It's honestly better than Seasons 5 and 6.

Eh, you can watch it and skip what you don't like. There are some good stuff if you just suspend your disbelief about how much they intellectually rape the characters. I mean, you've already watched Season 3.

Yeah, Seasons 5 and 6 are the Rise of Skywalker of the show. They try to dial things back and bring it back to Season 1 and Season 2 levels but they still fall under the same bullshits that Season 3 did.

Either way, if you can appreciate everything after Season 1 as fanfic then you'll be okay watching Season 4.

only reason to watch that show would be to fap to these two

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Watching this show for the first time. Season 3 was depressing, not because le dark but because all the characters had their souls sucked out

>spanish words behind them say "fight", "chest", and "danger"

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>Either way, if you can appreciate everything after Season 1 as fanfic then you'll be okay watching Season 4.

Do people actually like Season 1?! I nearly gave up in the first half.

I don't know why they continued after losing Chase and Glover.

I just enjoyed the dynamic between the characters in which they all interacted with each other organically. They learned from each other, and had growth. Season 2 on hindsight was where the slow decline started to show for me. Just Season 1 just felt more organic and slow for me, which worked. I really hated how things started to take a more fast paced shenanigans that just kept jumping the shark. I still enjoy the whole show, its just a bitter after taste the later seasons.

I've literally only just started watching this show today, so far the comments dont fill me with confidence.

No and you shouldn't bother watching 5 or 6 either.

I've made it to season 4.

Season one was the hardest to get through but I enjoyed season 3.

You burgers running 25 episodes a season blows my mind though, so much filler.

i'm not even through season one yet i think, the pilot episode was the biggest hurdle for me cause the 'main' two characters are so unbelievably shit, is that intentional?
the supporting members are quite funny, and Annie is hot as fuck.

This show is like snack food
Some is good, some is bad, and you shouldn't eat a bunch all at once

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>alison brie will never sit on your face and order you to clean her moist butthole with your tongue while gillian jacobs motivates you by whipping your ass on bloody welts with a long dressage whip
why even live

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watch it but don't binge it. It becomes much less noticeable if you don't watch a crap ton of episodes in one go.

>Season one was the hardest to get through but I enjoyed season 3.

Imagine being this much of a pleb

Gillybros unite

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If you've never seen it then I say watch it just so you can get when they're being meta in season 5 and 6.


The first 3/4 seasons are worth watching for sure, It's pretty comfy

It's pretty Reddit but what else are you going to watch in quarantine?

She was cute the first season

>implying patricians watch this show

I'm only watching because of the lockdown. It's truly overrated.

>Allison brie will never be this hot again

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

Its really crazy how the zoomers of this board have a totally different opinion to the consensus that was about this show back around Season 4 and 5.

It was actually 1 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4. Now you got plebs that can't even watch through Season 1 apparently. Goes to show the quality of this board deteriorating every second.

we out here fäm

People thought Phantom Menace was better than Return of the Jedi when it first came out. You have to let the dust settle a bit to really see things for what they are.


Annie was so fucking cute bros. Prime wife material.

annie, alex from modern family, or amy from brooklyn 99 are unironically so fucking hot. They look good and have such a great character.




Its painful to watch. Nothing in it is anywhere near funny or clever. The characters don't act like their characters and it seems like a 12 year old was tasked to write some plot and dialogue after maybe watching a handful of episodes. You can see the pain in the actors eyes as it all is burning down around them.

>Yeah, Seasons 5 and 6 are the Rise of Skywalker of the show.
You need to go back