Am I unironically a normie for thinking this is the greatest film of 21st century?

am I unironically a normie for thinking this is the greatest film of 21st century?

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you are definitely a retard for asking questions like this


At least name the movie, faggot

disdain for plebs.tiff

It wasn't even the best film that year.

Werckmeister Harmonies was better

Attached: werckmeister-harmonies1.jpg (730x1014, 92.63K)


this movie STUNK


Everybody who isn't mentally ill is a normie. Great movie though.

normies don't know this movie exists

good movie, shit score and too on the nose though

its literally one of reddit's favorite movie

The century is still very very Young.

Score was brilliant pleb.

No country for oil men

It's mostly business bros and wannabe richfags who think that, and they're a form of normie so I'd say yes.

oh come on dude, if you don't know what film this is you shouldn't be posting on Yas Forums
It is a completely reasonable opinion, one of the best films I have ever seen for sure and an easy 5*s

Oh those types of normies
I guess you are, OP

Yes, it was pretty good but there were better movies that year alone

Not sure if greatest film, but DDL in this did the best acting of the 21 century.

score was good on it's own for sure, but in the context of the movie it just didn't fit for shit

try reverse image searching faget

I show TWBB to people I don't want coming back to my place anymore. It's a good movie, not "greatest" quality.

I like this film but saying that normies don't know it exists is just wrong.

It's a really great movie.
People who hate it are snowflakes

"For years MEN have ORDERED me to watch this work of "stunning genius" Having finally succumbed, it turns out they were wrong"

If you don't like it you probably hate cinema or want to dress like a woman. Either way, go Fuck yourself

Attached: dolores-290.jpg (290x437, 33.6K)

It's a great film. Wouldn't call it the best of the 21st century, but wouldn't bother me if someone did consider it

People who post shit that requires a reverse image search are faggots. I instantly hide their posts. I have no idea what movie this is and don't care to look it up. Hide mode activated. Fuck you OP.

"Normies" watch capeshit and romcoms
You dumbfuck

Based. As usual, OP is a worthless cocksucking faggot.

There Might Be Niggers Out Here

Pauly D and Daniel's Excellent Adventure

They literally don't. There are normies that have never seen a whole film. They just get home and turn on the tv to watch what is on it and then fall asleep and yes they do have Netflix.

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