Woke teenagers discovering Tropic Thunder is my favorite tweet genre

Woke teenagers discovering Tropic Thunder is my favorite tweet genre

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>THE Robert Downey Jr?
Since when a spoiled coke addict is a paragon of societal virtue the younger generation looks up to?

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VITO the new guy???

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He starred in my favorite marvel movies so he's clearly a hero

Imagine being woke in 2020

god i fucking hate internet culture i wish social media never became a thing


>Anyone who poses as black in any context is blackface
Liberalism is mental illness

are they all getting that clip from rogans podcast from like 4 months ago?

>Marija Toleska
the better question is, why is a macedonian pretending to care about niggers? everyone in the balkans is outright racist

Seriously, this shit is STILL going on?

>i wish social media never became a thing

MCU is the new bible

didnt even wait for the tweet to get a single like lmao

Internetz were a mistake

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i ja primetiv toa, brat

odkaceni se orospiive do daska

>Tarantino always depicts black characters as smartest, most of them are protagonists
>Endorses Black Lives Matter irl
>But his characters of slavers and gangsters say "nigger" which means he's basically a klansman

I love the idea of a bunch of retarded children cancelling someone with enough money to have them all shipped to a siberian gulag

What exactly is blackface, bros?

he was playing a character who was in black face, he wasn't in black face. why can't these numbskulls see the difference?
it's a satire of people playing different races.

>context doesn't matter
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?


Yep first tennant of liberalism. 2nd is trannies are people too.
This message approved by Joe Biden.

Sola Scriptura, i.e. Protestant literalism.

This, plus the entire joke revolved around the fact that his behavior was in bad taste.

You honestly think the average Mutt teenager has the cognitive capacity to understand that?

Have you ever met a woke leftist IRL that was smarter than the over the phone customer support agent for any major bank?

Umm, sweetie, you can't use context as an excuse in current year

fucking zoomers I swear. RDJ was a joke before Iron Man.

Guys, Jack Black played the role of a person who is actually a woman in a man's body, a straight white male playing a MtF transition.
How did we never notice this?

People have been brainwashed and trained to be offended by things that they would never be offended by otherwise

Underrated and based.

Didn't that movie come out in the late 2000's? How old are these woketards?

can you even imagine people having fun in the year 2020. completely inappropriate and honestly unacceptable if at the expense of others (real or imaginary). we really need to do something about these people uhh "having fun" and "making jokes" because it's objectively not funny.

Patrice O'neal would have never let it get this bad.

very mysterious how nobody cared when he was starring in Marvel movies, now it's suddenly an issue after he stopped

social media is a mistake for the same reason under 18 cannot vote.

Americans made it you moron.

You mean THE jack black?

Um, also, the character of Arnie in What's Eating Gilbert Grape wasn't played by an actual person of retardation

In their teens.


No he means the other one

isnt that slovakian or czech?

Tropic Thunder came out in 2008, which was a year after Iron Man. Most black people at the time thought it was hilarious, but dumb zoomies who are woke teenagers now would have been too young to see an R-rated movie back then.

Yeah, why are they so stupid?

uh, pretty sure RDJ has done much worse than this?