Do you think we need an Alien reboot/remake ?

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We need an Alien Isolation movie, and then let the franchise rest for good.

set after which movie ?

Do you think "we" need any reboot/remake?


AvP > Prometheus
AvP:R > Alien Covenant

A prequel would be cool

Yes, remake all movies that had interesting ideas but horrible execusion.

Was the chick being chased around by the same alien or was it multiple. There seemed to be quite some time before she discovered the hive.

a crossover with another horror franchise ?

nope. watching Alien Isolation without the interaction is boring as fuck, it doesnt work.

a reboot of avp ? with a team-up dutch/ripley ?

Alien as a franchise is drowning in so much shit now that I've forgotten what made it good in the first place. are there 6 or 7 movies, does anyone even know

alien 1-4
prometheus and covenant
and two avp

Doesn't make sense chronologically and Sigourney and Arnold are too old.

If you really want to reboot AvP, better pick up the arcade.

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a reboot of avp, but non canon with the others movies, who doesn't want to see duch and ripley fighting aliens and predators side by side ?

do you know that ripley was meant to appear at the end of shane black's last predator

can't understand why majors never invented another iconic extraterrestrial like the alien or the predator… they are how many iconic slashers ? 10 maybe 15 and nobody try to create a third iconic alien ? wtf ?!


in the slasher genre we have : Freddy, jason, myers, pinhead, chuky, ghostface, candyman, leprechaun, jigsaw and so on… now in the alien/horror section what do we have ? huh just alien and predator…...

With the presence of the hive it was probably multiple, explains how the Ayy seemed to keep following her around the station so quickly.

we got E.T lol

i talk about extraterrestrials who kill people, not good guy

timelines don't match


I usually make fun of basedboys who watch movies with t-shirts and popcorn buckets in the premiere of the movie, but HOLY MOLY SHIT BOLONY if that was ever made, I was going to watch this movie 10 times over, even if it's bad

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non canon dude non canon

what the fuck ? what is the link between those two universe ? non you fuck retard ! alien has only one good match : THE PREDATOR !!!!

No, prometheus was already a soft reboot and it was meh at best and covenant was trash. Now that Disney has hold of it hopes are even lower.

prometheus is not a soft reboot, it's a prequel dude

cause they both owned by the mouse now i presume

why aren't there many extraterrestrials killers in movies ? they are 50 different slashers !

Yeah maybe soft reboot of the franchise? It has scenes directly from Alien so I don't get it.

Avengers too you moron

i want a pure remake of the first and then the second, after that we can do everything we want for a third one.

a remake of the first predator with the rock anyone ?

Its both, you apparently dont know what a soft reboot is

Shiggy diggy

I'd give it a shot

Oh yeah it's definitely not original

The Rock isn't masculine enough.

>Do you think we need an Alien reboot/remake ?
Oh, so you want an SJW reboot of the Alien franchise under (((Disney)))?


Absolute pleb

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No, Alien is all we need. I would like a Prometheus remake that does away with any connection to Alien, however.

No. What the fuck is the point of remaking a classic film? It will never, ever have the success or cultural impact of the original. If a film is already great then why remake it? It's like taking a perfectly working car into the shop to get fixed for no reason.

It would be better if it was just about some eldritch black goo with zero alien connections. There's still a lot of stupidity but you can wave it away by saying the planet was making them iNsAnE