Cast him
Cast him
That kid's going places
if you actually think this way then just off yourself
there being no god is exactly why it's important for you to be as virtuous as possible
none of it matters, your own ego and hedonism included, so you might as well be a good person
Whatever dude, enjoy eternal hellfire. Just don't cry that we didn't warm you.
>so you might as well be a good person
What for, you colossal moralfag?
wannabe christians are truly pathetic
>enjoy eternal hellfire
>don't cry that we didn't warm you.
What did he mean by this?
Is he Nietzschean Ubermensch?
if none of it matters, why not be a good person?
are you a human or an animal?
are you really going to let your teardrop of an existence be driven by animal urges?
if none of it matters, why not be a bad person?
And what means to be a good person, you stupid faggot?
he believes in judeo-christian values
>none of it matters, your own ego and hedonism included, so you might as well be a good person
>if none of it matters, why not be a good person?
I don't care to
>are you a human or an animal?
False dichotomy
It's no coincidence that all of the great butchers in history were atheists
True. Only atheists can be great.
you do good things for good people
why would you choose to be a bad person?
if you are actually trying to be a good person, it's not that hard to figure out how to be more virtuous in the context of our small lives. You don't have to go save kids in Africa
>if it wasn't for eternal hellfire Protestants would be murderous psychopaths
the absolute state
Hollywood's that way Tyler
There no way to say it without sounding like an edgy fight club baby's first pessimism teenager, but you really will get a lot further in life being a piece of shit who looks out for number one than you will trying to keep everyone happy and putting other people before yourself
If there's no punishment or reward one way or the other, being a bad person is the sensible answer
who are these comics made for? you're certainly not going to convert anyone by depicting them as evil, horrible selfish people
is it just for christians to go "haha YES thats what i think!"
because cheating, lying and whatnot is convenient and will make my limited time on this earth esier. your argument against this seem to be that that's below human and animal-like, but if nothing matters why would I care? evolution does away with morals
As Chick himself would tell you, the greatest slaughterers in world history were all Catholics, with Muslims in second place
why would you choose to be a good person?
>it must me ok
This is just so poorly written I dunno where to start. As for your point on pedophilia etc, while the actual medical definition is 12 and under, most people will include anybody under the AoC in the definition. Did you know Mary was 12 when she got pregnant? I guess God is OK with pedophilia because, you know... Also, God murders thousands of people. He tortures people. Hell, both Islam and Judaism goes it is A-OK to do all that too. Islam says rape is your right as a man, etc.
So, what moral authority? If your answer is
>well humans wrote the Holy Books so they don't count
how the fuck am I meant to do it right?
The greatest butchers in history were atheist, but most of them were theists. Which tells that that faith doesn't prevent people from doing evil it just prevents people from fulfilling their full potential.
Do better.
Even the dog is evil. Fucking atheist dogs.
He's not wrong. A lot of people I encounter who are atheists basically look out for themselves at the expense of others.
t. community college philosophy major
there's a difference between being virtuous and being a self-sacrificing doormat. You're allowed to look out for yourself
if you want to spend your flicker of consciousness amounting to little more than an amoral animal, then go for it I guess
being a good person when it doesn't matter is the most important type of virtue, this is exactly the type of being we should evolve into rather than being schizos who need delusions of god to function as a civilization
What happened to all the 'pagans' who didn't want to worship the jewish man on the stick?
>I appreciate kindness, respect and thoughtfulness
>If I give that to others I can create a community where I receive those things
athiest morality in a nut shell
unironically this. the "god isn't real but morality is important" philosophy is the ultimate soiboy redditor copout.
>be me
>have picture I have never had an excuse to post before
>devise some sort of thread around pic just as an excuse to post it and finally delete it
>"Hahahaha."*tips fedora* "Can't you grasp my superior angstheist intellect?"
>being a good person when it doesn't matter is the most important type of virtue
why should we be virtuous if nothing matters?
>function as a civilization
why should we function as a civilization if nothing matters?
dabs on:
>tabletop rpg
jack chick was too based for this world
yeah it's called not being a faggot.
You're born, live and die alone. Nothing for you after brain death but mud and enteral unconscious darkness.
>if you want to spend your flicker of consciousness amounting to little more than an amoral animal
the premise of the thread implies that there isn't anything more to live for. if nothing matters being a good person means nothing more than living like an amoral animal while not inconveniencing other amoral animals, which is fine I guess but in the end accomplishes nothing but actively making life harder for yourself
>>"Hahahaha."*tips fedora* "Can't you grasp my superior angstheist intellect?"
so which are you then?
you have to understand that there's not such a thing as being objectively good or bad, for example if I were to cook dogs for food for the poor, a Chinese person would think I'm being good and a Western person would probably fucking hate me. So you can't be absolutely good or evil and your concept of goodness is heavily biased by your christian upbringing and society.
Birth of Bogdanoff, before he split himself in two to balance himself.
so, he is delusional?
this is now a chick tract kino thread
What am I getting into?
small filesizes and a kuso thread
what about murder of an innocent?
Anyway to postmodernise that into being a good thing you massive faggot.
>Be a good person only for the reward of getting into Heaven.
If the belief that if you aren't a good person you'll burn in eternal hellfire for all time is the only reason you aren't murdering, raping, and looting your way around the world... then you aren't a good person.
The Chad Muslim
>it’s another “newfags haven’t been around long enough to know that every single opinion on every board is predicated on being a contrarian retard and christfags used to be the ones mocked”
Explain why I should not just be a hedonistic asshole if SINCE there is no god? Please tell me you're trolling and not a cringe anti-theist
Why are atheists so evil?
who said I am a good person? the premise of the conversation was that nothing matters and you said "why not be good", so I said "why not be bad"
I don't understand your argument
You sound a little defensive there bud
idk, contain overpopulation?
that already happens in wars, replace "innocent" with "enemy" and nobody will bat an eye
humans are selfish like every other animal and if we help each other it's because it makes us feel good, not because we are "good" or "bad"
there is a god. That god did create the bible and leave instructions in it.
Worship no false gods (like jesus) and avoid strength in numbers idiots that swarm to the bible without reading it, and act as if they know truth and are fit to judge others.
Stay safe out there. Live the dream.
>Muslim littterlay mean "subservient to god"
>bends down, ass up to submit to god 5 times a day
>Prophet fucked little boys.
kek at muslims who call them selves chads, 80% of you the literal virgin weak chin from inbreeding lol.
There is no such thing as “morality” without a deity or divine proclamation. David Hume demonstrated this centuries ago, and no one has been able to refute him.
At a fundamental level, the only reason an atheist can give to say one thing is “wrong” and another “right” is that certain things “feel” wrong. None of them can get around Hume’s argument and none ever will. If you’re a redditor and thing you can be “moral without God” just no that morality cannot exist without God, just as Hume proved.
if you actually think this way then just off yourself
there being no god is exactly why it's important for you to be as villainous as possible
none of it matters, your own morals and chivalry included, so you might as well be a bad person
atheists are not evil. they're just misguided
You're doing god's work OP
Fuck these reddit newcucks
church folk are bad people. They judge others in mutually accepted ignorance and pride.
if nothing matters then kill yourself
you aren't dead, so obviously you have things that are subjectively important to you
kill yourself then, otherwise choose the meaning to have in your life, and what kind of retard would CHOOSE to be evil? If you are religious, ask yourself if you really are upholding the tenets of your faith, you probably aren't. There are very few people who do, because on some level the rest know it's all fake
Fuck off pagancuck