Do you really need a four year degree to sell paper?

do you really need a four year degree to sell paper?

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I relate to Jim Halpert more than any other character in the entire history of fiction.

Did he go to college?

A marketing degree would probably help a lot towards getting a job like that, but if you have a marketing degree you're already overqualified and would be wasting your time doing that job.

>I relate to Jim Halpert more than any other character in the entire history of fiction.

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In America you do

Not really.

t. knows a guy that does sales

>where’s your jet pack zuckerberg??
literally /our guy/

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He cute.

Anyone in a regional office should be hired out of highschool and trained, America is a joke. I hate credeliailsm so much.
Only when you work in corporate and you have to work in abstractions of huge numbers for 50+ offices do you might want someone with some rigorous statistical background and people with real coding ability,
Even then business degrees are so watered down, don’t expect the average marketing or admin degree to actually know anything. 2/3 of thier classes were bullshit filler for colleges paycheck.

No, that was the 90s. Now you need a Master's degree.

I fucking hate your kind and wrong usage of meme but this made me laugh

I have a 4 year degree to fill out shipping forms for a campus store to make about $30k per year, college degrees are basically the new HS diploma

Companies do that so they can lower the amount of applicants that they have to sort through. Its not so much the degree of level of capability. Its more about whether or not you have some soft of accomplishment, so they can reject people who don't

if you arent going to get a medical or law degree why even go to college lol

To make friends and exploit them for job opportunities

yes, and some guy making youtube videos will 10x your salary

Do you really need a degree from an ivy league college to sell paper?

it's just a checkbox thing now, if you don't have one and someone else does, everything else being the same, you're fucked.

Cornell is to Ivy Leagues what Greece is to the EU

Do you really need a degree from an ivy league college?

Marketingfag here, no, that's retard work and the equivelant of help desks for IT. However don't touch marketing, it's nothing but stress, deceptively difficult work, long hours and travel

Doing an IT master's now to get out of the field


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>why even go to college
Because even bartenders now need 4 year degrees. It's the first and easiest way to cull over half of the 200 resumes you get for posting an $18/hour job.

Do you really need a degree?

In America you need a degree to work at any none back breaking job. Could be retail doesnt matter

Either go to college for 150,000 and work retail at 40 k tops or work hardcore manual labor and be crippled by 30.

All the good jobs are gone now

Do you really need?

wrong character. are you talking about andy?

start a business, skip college

Go ahead retard, start a business without a buisness degree. See how that ends up for you lmao

>have an associates
>making 75k a year
>making more than my friends with college degrees

>have a bachelors
>making $93k a year
>making more money than anonymous strangers with associates degrees

How do the jews do it lads? 40k a year for 4 years so people can earn 30k a year

lmao@business degree

toilet paper is a better investment

Why was Pam in the hospital with them in that picture?

Bro just make an app.

>go to Wharton
>end up president of the united states
who's laughing now?

Associates in what and what do you do?