What did you guys think of this movie? Are you a fan of black metal in the first place?
Lords of Chaos
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i deleted this shit from my hard drive like a week ago lol
needed more room for actual kinos
It was a bad movie, the book was full of shit, BUT it was way more entretaining. I can't care less about Varg being mad, you can make a movie based about real events and lie all what you want, but the movie changed things and made it LESS interesting. The only good thing that came out of this shit was the Metallica video.
it's great, it makes metalfags buttmad that they're shown to be autistic tryhards just like real life
No you stupid faggot, the problem is that they are not shown to be autistic enough.
i agree with this except the ridiculous part where varg has groupies and euronymous has a girlfriend
>are you a fan of black metal in the first place?
Sorry, not a faggot.
black metal is the cringe to end all cringe
Unironically good. Was expecting a trainwreck pandering bullshit, got a very entertaining comedy with some truly disturbing scenes.
I'm not a metalhead though. I like some black metal songs, but I don't give a shit about this movies relation to real history.
The only kino thing about this was watching Varg seethe on youtube, which eventually lead to him being permabanned from the platform (also cause he said jews were behind christchurch)
I was into listening black metal about 14 years ago. I knew some of the stories, but have now pretty much forgotten everything.
I'm not a fan of black metal even though I'm not entirely ignorant of it. I knew about Mayhem and Euronymous and Varg before Varg became a youtuber.
I thought it was a highly underrated and highly entertaining movie about the nature of the metal community (edgelords trying to one up each other, actual psychos mixed with poseurs etc) and I thought the story arc of Euronymous coping with Dead's suicide was way more profound than one would expect from such an Americanized movie full of humor.
The movie makes a point of saying the events are fictionalized. I don't know why this causes so much distress when there are countless good movies that are fictionalized versions of actual events.
Culkin's performance is also amazing. He's fucking hilarious while also looking actually disturbed. I thought the other performances were very good too.
Norwegian black metal is overrated. France, the US, and Greece make the best black metal.
bad casting
bad script
It's because of the stories. It cannot be otherwise. Musically, I agree, although there are a few top notch songs from the early Norwegian scene.
How was it boring? It was very well paced.
Bad casting? I thought it was excellent. Yeah, they don't look like the guys from real life, but it's not a biopic much less a documentery.
Why even respond to posts like that, he put no effort into it and you shouldn't put any effort into engaging him.
The scenes with Dead were kino. Everything else was just okay.
almost passable. would fuck in a badly lit basement
did vorsh really kill that one kid over choccy milk or was it because they were heterosexually gay?
it was because he betrayed "true norwegian black metal". I mean he spells it out for you, how dumb are you?
Atmospheric black metal is best youtube.com
percussion is shit, ruins the rest of the song.
for me, it's hate forest
do they hate the forest? does the forest hate them? is the forest just hateful?
holy shit that's bad
did they really drink milk during burning churches?
it's all bad, that's the whole point you fucking poseur
not really. I know 4 good black metal songs.
I watched it to fap to Sky Ferreira's titties.
that was easily the worst part of the movie
What did I think?
> It was interesting enough to look up what actually happened
Fan of bm?
> Not a fan of trve norvegian, but I like blackmetal influenced other stuff like blackgaze, blackened screamo etc.
>like blackmetal influenced other stuff like blackgaze
then tell me how deathheaven managed to fuck up alcest's formula so bad