So what exactly do you do here?

>So what exactly do you do here?

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I shit up to board for fun and janny has to clean up my mess. He doesn’t get paid for it though.

Shitpost in shit threads before faggot mod 404's them.

Get dubs

I try to talk about Godzilla movies while redditors spam soijaks

I larp as a lefty in rightoid race bait threads to farm (You)s

I contribute posts that provide good discussion and digressions

and the occasional feels

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Man, you tell me


I shitpost about feet and some mexican meme character from a tv show


I get drunk and randomly launch into unrelated personal attacks to disrupt and confuse conversations

I keep the jannies busy

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Me? I shitpost.

this but I get invested in the topic

I discuss movies and television I've never watched, hoping someone will call me out on it. It's been almost ten years.

Based pic

i found a new game

I drive... and check repeating digits.

i spread yellow fever

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I post in every single holohoax thread

Look I already told you I make the goddamn Sneed posts so the jannies have something to do. I'm aware of how boring and empty their lives are can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you mods?!?

i spam ir porn in a desperate attempt to cope with my micro pp

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Post based if something is soi or actually based

this but I actually am a lefty, not larping. I also report every instance of racism in every thread I'm in.

mostly I post about jews


Marxist, I hope.

I post funny photos and make people laugh.

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I jerk off

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point out guid posters

i larp as a nazi for (You)'s