Whats actually higher quailty DVD or VHS

obviously DVDs improved halfway thru with DVD9 effectivly doubling the size but most people seemed to use that to make box sets of TV shows smaller.

for a TV show could the VHS be the best copy of it in 4:3? if played back on high quality VHS reader and filtered correctly etc?

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the thing i notice with VHS is that while its slightly blury some times it does look like there is actually more information...

VHS was 240 line, s-vhs 480 and dvd 525. I can't tell the difference between s-vhs and dvd desu, I also feel both VHS formats feel a little warmer, while dvd feels cold.

imagine being so ugly and insecure that you see this shitty little frog and decide "yes! that's me!" and decide to avatarfag as it
how fucking pathetic
you're going to die alone, kid
kill yourself asap and spare everyone the trouble of knowing you
you aren't cute-ugly, you're just ugly inside
fucking die

Honestly you're the only ugly person in the thread so far, my dude. Simply because you took the time to write this to some anonymous frogposter

It's like vinyl, VHS is much higher quality than DVD quality, that's why you never see VHSRIPs on Torrent sites because the files would be too large.

while you're spamming this around the board, there's a difference between OP using it as an avatar, and OP using it because he can't think of any relevant image to post but wants to make a thread anyways

Bitter autismo

LaserDisc > Blu-Ray > VHS > DVD (in terms of best possible quality)

VHS was very low quality, the equivalent of 480x480 digital with much higher levels of noise. The VHS color under system caused dot crawl and other problems in the color information. Commerical VHS movie tapes were duplicated at high speed and were shit quality even compared to home recorded tapes. DVD was made for mass production and being digital had low levels of noise. There were very bad DVDs early on that were made with bit-rates too low but that was not a limitation of the format.

240 interfaced lines through a dusty tracking head does not make for the good good

I look like wojack. apu is my only choice

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have you ever watched a letterboxed widescreen movie on an old VHS tape?

>DVDs improved halfway thru with DVD9 effectivly doubling the size

Picture quality remained the same. You just needed a bigger shelf and different player to fit the discs.

He is literally me.

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VHS was pretty shit, but there were some early attempts at HD. DTheater is probably the known


dumb antifrog poster

Based, keep btfoing the frogtards

i think think its like vinyl VHS is digital only part of it that could be analogue is the audio. which i suspect it is as soundtracks on VHS sound better than dvd/bluray or even some autistic 20gb WAV.

Are you actually retarded?

VHS picture is digital so you clearly know shit all DONT LARP being KNOWLAGEABE ITS DUMB


Imagine being so insecure that you come onto a board where you're not welcome, critize the boards mascot, and actually believe you're the one in the right.
You do realize you don't have to post here, right? You can fuck off you know.

VHS prob was higher quality than DVD desu

only reason DVD got popular was it was smaller and you didnt have to rewind it.

its why bluray failed beacuse it didnt offer any thing new.

format standards dont get adpoted beacuse they are better they get adopted beacuse they are more convient or nicer to use or cheaper.

There's one thing to criticize wojak sneed or bane
But shitting on apu/pepe?

Love yourself fren

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you are aware that VHS was interlaced so that 240line is really 480lines plus VHS had 0 compression unlike DVD that had heaps but possibly less so on later releases on DVD9.

480lines uncompressed is fuckloads more data than 525 lines compressed also DVD never used 525lines as it mostly had 16:9 content.

so yes answer to OP question is if you have a highquality VHS player and a good tape you will have a better picture quality and soundquality than DVD.

good VHS players cost like 3x as much as the best 4k bluray players atm if you are not aware a really good VHS player is like 3000$ atm.

VHS is remembered like Cassettes people remember VHS recordings of broadcast TV done with shitty equipment just like they remember cassette rips of radio on shitty equipment. beacuse most people was time poor and stupid and didnt have time to focus on seting things up properly.

but ultimatly the only reason to collect VHS is if you super into soundtracks or some thing that hasnt been remastered onto some thing better than DVD..

Why do you Redditors like to project so much in every thread? Seek help.

any TV worth its salt can make a VHS look better than a DVD

the problem is when we had VHS we used increadibly shit TVs.

It doesn't matter if it looks better or not, every VHS has an expiration date FAR sooner than any DVD.

you guys are aware the VHS filter they use in music videos is not realistic.

actualy tape rot has not happend as much as people feared.

every one got super worried about it in like 2008 and then realised it has another 50years.

tape rot only happens if you fucking retarded and leave it in a shed made of metal with literal snow and shit. if you have a brick house you will not experience it in ya lifetime unless you have Reel to reel recordings of WW2 or some thing stupid.