People have been analyzing Men in Black for years and nobody has ever managed to figure out if Will Smith passed the...

People have been analyzing Men in Black for years and nobody has ever managed to figure out if Will Smith passed the test, or if he failed but they brought him in anyway because they liked how he handled things.

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It was obviously affirmative action. Can't have the men in black without a nigger.

>People have been analyzing Men in Black for years
No. Just you, op. Just (You)

A person is smart. People are dumb,

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>A person is smart.
Not based on their reaction to the coronavirus.

His real test was the encounter with the alien in film's beginning. it was pretty clear he was the only ideal candidate considering Zeb's insult toward the military npcs. The only problem was his lack of authority.

If you consider MIB 3 canon or even relevant, K would've picked him no matter what, since he had already met him.

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I was under the impression he failed because after the test K had to convince Zed to take him on anyway because "he chased down a cephalopoid on foot".

So they were actually supposed to shoot the aliens and the girl with the book was completely normal?

>If you consider MIB 3 canon
i just remembered that there is an MIB 4 and it was shit

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Well think of it, the other candidates were regular ass officials, military men and what not so of course they would avoid shooting the girl

Will shooting at the girl is probably not the worst since the MIB knows it COULD be an alien but they probably liked his explanation
"the fuck is a girl doing in a shady neihgborhood at this time with school books, something aint right"

There was no pass or fail. It was just a test to assess knowledge, skill, and judgement. It was simply a matter of looking at what each candidate could do and in what capacity.

holy shit how can you be this fucking dumb

Wasn't as god awful as I expected it to be. Leads were shit. Story shit. They replace Frank with a poo for no reason. Good visuals though. I liked the twins. Unironically Thor Ragnarok fault. Everyone masturbated so hard on Hemsworth and the mutt and the box office that they somehow convinced themselves that they had any chemistry, when they clearly didn't. Movie really should've been about Neeson and Hemsworth. But you know, both white and male.

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You know what's dumb? Not believing scientists when they say the coronavirus is dangerous.

I can't think of the last time a good movie had only white male protagonists. I'm starting to think that is not the key to a good movie.

Thats not his point you fucking moron

the original quote is
>A person is smart. People are dumb,
Meaning a single person can be reasoned with, educated hopefully while people AKA a group is difficult to reason with, mob mentality is hat push them

you ignored that and went straight to "human dumbs"

He demonstrated practical problem solving skills and instead of firing blindly at aliens (who unbeknownst to the applicants they would be working closely with) he considered things and fired at the only out of place element (the schoolgirl). You can argue about reasoning but ultimately he showed a capacity for out of the box thinking. Also he fast.

Literally says in the commentary, “the test is to see who will think to use the table”

He's probably an animal hippie. Animal hippies always want to stare at a chimp and think wow this chimp knows more than everybody on earth except me.

You’re a fucking npc, seriously you come into a men in black thread to post the shit literally everyone is posting on their faggy social media, kill your self

He’s baiting you

>believing scientists

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Good that Trump did and enacted a travel ban despite being heavily criticised for it. A really smart man. That's probably why the US has one of the lowest deaths per million pop of the western world.

The CDC issued its first warning on Jan 8. Trump held campaign rallies on Jan 9, Jan 14, Jan 28, Jan 30, Feb 10, Feb 19, Feb 20, Feb 21 & Feb 28. He golfed on Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 7 & Mar 8. The first time he admitted the coronavirus might be a problem was Mar 13.

Lord of the Rings

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>I'm starting to think that is not the key to a good movie.
I never said it was. But it certainly isn't throwing Marvel leads into established franchise and hoping for instant success just by names alone and not bothering writing anything for the characters. That movie is a literal parasite that landed on a Marvel's asscheeck and thankfully was squashed.
Where is my Jump Street X MIB, Sony? Fucking stupid fuck-cunts

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You guys whine about scientists and yet I bet you're both locked up in your houses wearing protective gear because you KNOW it's a problem. You're just trying to make it worse for others because you want to create some apocalyptic scenario.

Stop it. Delete your post right now.

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It was extremely obvious to 19 year old me. He failed but since K thought he fought and killed a very formidable alien and K is a founding member of MIB his word surpassed the test result.

I was a bit bothered that you took no issue with the fact that he called the guy who suggested injecting people with disinfectant "a really smart man" but then I remembered that none of you actually believe in anything you say. Your goal is simply to attempt to annoy the other side. So that went away pretty quickly and now I'm just chuckling at your idiocy.

>not happy unless every thread turns into reddit circle jerk over orangeman bad
Even in a fucking MIB thread. These people are freakishly obsessed.

He suggested injecting people with disinfectant. This isn't blind hate. This is just you blindly defending him. I cannot wait for him to be gone so you people finally no longer have an idol who you must defend at all costs.