Women comedians

>women comedians

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Women are funny. Get over it.

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>actual interesting person as guest
>talks about actual interesting shit and the convo has a good flow
>runtime: 90 minutes

>some fucking comedian as guest
>talks about the comedy store the entire time, talks about other comedians and how many killers there are out there, about the times they mur-hur-dur'd, how SJW culture is making it harder to be funny yet also about how they're more successful then they've ever been
>runtime: 4 hours+

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In a laugh at them, not with them, sort of way.

The Comedy Store is the Harvard Research Lab of Calwmedy bro

Attached: joe rogan.jpg (1080x1312, 167.95K)

All women comedians now have Onlyfans

>comedian host spends more time talking about the thing that interests him the most
No shit, Sherlock.

This woman needs to be called ugly asap

She was funny.

who the fuck actually watches Joe Rogan?

delete comedians


Dont exist

>actual interesting person as guest
>talks about actual interesting shit and the convo has a good flow

More like
>Talk about interesting shit for a little while and then Joe segues into talking about how much of an "artform" and how "hard" stand-up is, and then segues into talking about MMA and Jiu-Jitsu.

they are fine, get over yourself. lesser than the men, but still okay and enjoyable.

>joe rogan experience

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I automatically strongly dislike any female who "shoots the bird" in a photo. It's just something so trash about it.

Joe Rogan is for tards

What's the best JRE episode Yas Forums? desu my personal favorite might be the alex jones ones or more recently the guy who talked about manson

This is really funny

makes for a bad show retard faggot

randall carlson, coyote guy


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>The Craft

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Lol, they mentioned Yas Forums in this interview and joe rogan said they're intelligent nerds or something referring to how they tracked down shia lebouf's flag by looking at the stars and someone honking

All Rogan talks about is coyotes, chimps/apes/monkeys, and AI


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Wouldn't be shocked, every woman wishes she was a model, which is why I advise any man to take up photography.


How could you forget his precious elk meat.

Gorilla? Gorillas are pussies Joe. Let me tell you. This one time in '86 in North Bergen...

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