Suspiria 1977

>Suspiria 1977
>Susie slowly uncovers satanic witchcraft coven within dancing school and defeats them in spite of not being powerful by any supernatural means and being terrified.
>thus, her courage and "female empowerment" is apparent just by her actions, the movie or character does not need to tell the audience how empowered or brave she is.
>the film was cowritten by Dario's then wife, and has a mostly female cast, therefor the film has a lot of insight into feminine qualities and strengths. In other words, the mostly female cast actually act like women.
>Suspiria current year edition
>I am a sexually oppressed amish runaway that goes to the school to be free, but now I'm a super powered satanic demon and was never in any danger! I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!
>written and directed by dudes trying to write about women. Characters act like men and the film just goes out of its way to be "empowering" by scrapping anything that makes it a fucking horror movie in the first place. In other words, the horror movie removes any horror or tension in order for the female characters to be "strong" when they never overcame any obstacle or fear.
>includes a retarded subtext of German politics in Berlin at the time which falls completely flat.
>only real positive change is that the dance school has actual dancing in it and has more focus.

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>Suspiria 1977
>Susie makes my pp the big pp

Yeah the remake was pointless and bad

Can’t believe I got memed into watching the remake.

remake was make by that faggot from the faggot movie about faggots what did you expect

>hurrr mentioning le dead jews cuz its in Germany
>God i'm such a smart filmmaker

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Both these films fucking suck.

I prefer the original by far but your take on the remake is absolutely brainlet-tier


Could you point out a scene that conveys that?

>the movies clash with the current feminist narrative so they must suck
Cope harder, fag.

I tried but couldn’t make it more than 3 minutes.

I like the original but it’s not very scary

who from what?

that's because I haven't seen the whole thing and just clips on youtube, enough to know its a dogshit movie compared to 1977. You gonna cry about it?

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The real crime was
>Suspiria 1977
>beautiful, sumptuous colors that make the whole thing feel like a fever dream, it was like you were experiencing a living nightmare
>Suspiria current year edition
>boring drab colors that reinforce how dull the whole thing is, plus a whole lot of unnecessary bullshit about witch politics that absolutely nobody asked for, feels like a nightmare in the same way that going to the DMV is a nightmare
Why remake Suspiria and take out the atmosphere that gave the movie its charm? Did anyone actually care about the internal workings of the coven? All that mattered was that they were spooky witches.

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>Suspiria current year edition
>shit was so boring I turned it off within the first 20 minutes

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The drab colors are because its GERMANY and POLITICAL INSTABILITY. I wish I was making that up.

No, I am gonna laugh at you.

I liked the remake.

The point of the remake is that a woman with old values literally blows the fuck out of the modernized cunts who perverted her role as caretaker. She fucking vaporizes the villains and offers warmth to their victims. She embodies the traditional feminine ideal.

Were they supposed to rip off an ape Argento style for you to be happy?
What they really should've done is to stick to the intended and rejected concept for '77 and make every single girl 13-14 old. That would've been cunny kino. I mean come on it's current year.

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Kek, Argento was one mad lad. Though it did explain why all the students acted like they were in middle school rather than acting like high schoolers.

That would’ve been cool. For some reason making them kids in this scary and fantastical place has more of a punch to it then them all being rich college students.

Granted it’d probably be a bitch working with all those kids but it’s been done before

>slowly uncovers satanic witchcraft coven within dancing school
you mean is frightened by various things in sequence until that old man explains that there's a satanic witchcraft coven within the dancing school.
I agree that the remake is shit but your take on both films is moronic. Suspiria 1977 isn't "empowering" and it isn't trying to be. I also don't know where you got the idea that the MC in the remake never faced any obstacles or fears. Did you watch it?



I like the score my boy Thommo made for the new one at least

He didn't watch the movie.
OP brain's tot for identity policy

Do you realise that you are the one obsessed with gender and identity politics?
Watching films must be hellish when you're only able to think like this.

Remake really is the ultimate pleb filter.

Name 3 (three) things about it that are good.
Hard mode: no OST


yeah I didn't understand why they were acting so strange, I thought it was some strange stylistic choice until I read the original plan