On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 92% based on 304 reviews

>On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a rating of 92% based on 304 reviews
Why does no one talk about this kino?

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Dunno, I saw it on HBO. Was pretty funny.

Not much to say
Its a nice, solid movie

i thought it was confusing

They do.

I've never seen this. Is it better than inherent vice?
pic unrelated

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We did, now not so much anymore

Ridiculously overrated.
It's an entertaining buddy-cop comedy. But it's nothing special.

MUCH better. Inherent vice was unfunny garbage. This is Goosekino

Fuck Rotten Tomatoes, it's a pretty good movie though. The daughter was super cute


>Inherent vice was unfunny garbage
pleb status = F I L T E R E D

>Is it better than inherent vice?
That's kind of like asking if Armageddon is better than 2001, or if Gangster Squad is better than The Untouchables

oh look, its another Shane Black can do only a single movie over and over and over again episode

Reddit film

I thought the plot and dialogue were trash, but the film fully redeemed by peak rice

Inherent Vice was a great. Have you read the novel?

>why does not one talk about this movie from four years ago?
Now we know how new op is.

What is there to discuss? I thought it was pretty funny and charming but that's it. There's no point going into the plot, the characters or asking for a sequel.

One of the very few blurays I own.

idiot the dust had not yet settled

It’s literally nothing like inherent vice

loved it

k i n o

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Not sure what you mean I've seen like 5 threads for it this week.

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one of my all time favorites easily.


Sounds like that guy never watched The rapeman.

There's something metaphorical going on w/ the themes of March's house and Healy choking Blueface/smog. It was a funny movie and I was struck how similar in style it felt to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Was pleasantly surprised to learn it was the same director. Made me want to drive around LA at night after watching.

>rotten tomatoes
if you use this site you are a retarrd

Yas Forums doesn't talk about good films that have no meme mining