I have the feeling it started with the success of Hunger Games. They thought there was a female audience that wanted to watch stronk wemen heroes and all the films and series since 2012 have been girl power shitfests.
When did Hollywood become woke?
haha i saw this girls butthoal
It didn't "become", it was a slow, continuous slide into madness
I was never much into film, so Last Jedi hit me like a train when it came out with all the woke shit.
I think it started more in television with soaps and comedies.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Everything became terrible in 2008. This has been verified innumerable times. Something dramatic happened that humanity hasn't yet grasped. I'm not sure if it was an organic change in our collective psyche or if it was deliberately implemented by something outside of us.
>t. lazy newfag that has been living under a rock for the last 10 years
Nah. 2012.
World ended. We've all been in hell.
Woke culture started bubbling under the surface with the financial crisis, social media, and Obama's victory. Hollywood didn't start to really give a shit until the #OscarsSoWhite stuff in like 2015 though.
The books and movies appeal to a teen girl audience, but they didn't really advertise a "girl power" angle to the story. I remember most girls wanted to see the love triangle between Peta and Jacob more than anything. I think Hollywood really got WOKE 2015/2016, when they really wanted to push OBVIOUS agendas. Like in the 80s and 90s, Terminator, Silence of the Lambs, and Aliens had tough female heroins and no one made a big deal of it. The problem really is just the attitude so many producers and advertisers have to making so much shit WOKE.
How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?
2013 to defuse Occupy wall street
Credible theory OP
Mockingjay Part 2 was kino and Francis Lawrence is based
This. 2007 changed things. Blame it on the iPhone popularizing smartphones if you want.
These out of touch old people think that because woke culture is popular on twitter, that the whole population is just like that. We’re talking about people who have never interacted with middle or working class people in their entire life, other than the salvadorian maids. They think the twitter community is the general population
Hmmm, I can't think of anything huge happening in 2008 that might have impacted humanity on a global scale, from the economic foundations of society upwards? Can you? Except for one of the largest economic crashes of all time, of course.
It's all been a gradual decline since the French revolution. Arguably since Rome adopted Christianity.
iphone happened which lead to normies being on the internet and using facebook and twitter.
nignog got elected president of america
I was told there would be butthole.
It started in 2013, once Obama was in for his second term and the Democrats faced the new task of prepping people for the first woman POTUS. For some insane reason, they decided the way to do this was by alienating all the men who voted for Obama.
Are the Hunger Games films any good? I'm not expecting something great but are they at least worth a watch?
Earliest I can remember would be 1977 star wars a new hope.
Leia obviously
in the 20th century 3 divergent political theories of liberalism, communism and fascism had crystallised, begging the question of which was right. with the defeat of nazi germany in ww2 and the collapse of the soviet union 50 years later, liberalism was the victor. the 90s advanced with renewed hope for the future; now we finally had our political structure for humanity to flourish in harmony. america, the shining beacon of liberalism, will lead the way
but the utopia didnt arrive. antipathy towards many aspect of the system grew, such as antipathy towards corporate culture. wealth inequality grew rather than retracting. racial tensions flared. in 2001 america suffered an attack without precedent. many liberals adopted an intensely reactionary approach. this lead to several years of punitive measures against those who were in the way of global liberalism. it turned out the axis of evil wasnt completely defeated in ww2 or with the collapse of the berlin wall; it was because of them that the system was failing and they must be destroyed
in 2008 the financial system collapsed and the mask fell off. we hadnt arrived at a perfect system, the enemies were inside the gates and the past century of bloodshed was for nothing. normal people were worse off having naively believed their leaders, whilst they enriched themselves. millions lost their jobs, savings and more importantly belief in the society. attempts to change course (eg ron paul) were railroaded by the powers that be
from then on most people knew contributing to society was a net loss for them
So....about that butthole?
This to some degree
>obama's campaign to be first black president
>focus, at least in the campaign period, on unity and moving beyond racial division
>clinton's campaign to be first female president
>focus on calling men trash and alienating them
Is that eric andre or danny devito?
I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes of skipping through it. Literal trash. Haven't even looked at the sequels
Fuck jannies and fuck mods.
>>focus, at least in the campaign period, on unity and moving beyond racial division
Didn't he go 180 right after
Same here man. Zoomers talking about shit 45 years old is weird
Francis Fukuyama btfo'd
Agreed. Would only watch if watching tv only and nothing else was on. 3/10
Yeah, he was a shitty president, but at least he behaved as if there was a chance he might not get elected. Hillary seemed to think she had it in the bag
Thank you, kind sir.
It was always woke. Trump election just sent them into paranoid levels.