/CrownLake/ general

What do you brats want to see in season 3 of the YouTube original drama “crown lake” ?

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Never watched it lol

It’s okay

Ooooh, Franny, Franny
Let me touch that fanny

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I don't recall girls wearing ties in any of my schooling

why does she have a middle aged mom's face?


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>the Brat network
For me it Mani

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>has a coworker that looks like her
>huge boobs as well
>thinks i'm a creep since she caught me taking pics of her feet

fml ;_;

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Requesting the other pic from this event where she shows a little cleavage

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Based AF NGL

>huge tits
>takes pics of her feet
You deserved to get caught

We must protect her.


Franny fanny

Attached: 1563117426785.webm (600x1080, 2.82M)

pump it up
pump it up
pump it up

Gib silky smooth white as snow milk

Attached: 1563117521707.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)


Actually watch this show !?

I saw a few eps. It's boring tween drama, I only put up with it for fran.


How is her acting

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Beach episode

Well sure ACTING

Franny is a good actress. She's wasted on that show. But frankly, I'd rather have her doing age-appropriate stuff like that.

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Hope she has a good career. She seems nice but I think getting older parts would be difficult seeing as she’s like 4’11

Post webms

How much Blacked there is?
Any LGBTQIA+ content?