Slice it so thin it liquefies in the pan

>slice it so thin it liquefies in the pan

Attached: prisongarlic.jpg (1280x720, 48.52K)

I tried it once it just turns bitter

why not just blend it then

Nothing special about this scene.

Yeah, because you increased the surface area and decreased the volume so it burns extremely easily and tastes like shit

>they don't know about mincing

Me personally, I wet-ferment the garlic. I mash it into a paste then place it underneath my foreskin for a day or two to get it nice and pungent.
A little /ck/ tip

What kind of cocaine is that?

Why not just make some garlic paste by first mincing it and then adding some coarse salt to the board and then smearing with his knife? Works much better if you don't want chunks of garlic or burnt garlic chips

its the marco pierre white way

Theyre in prison

welp, that's enough internet for one day

Attached: 1588175563764.jpg (639x479, 20.33K)

They're in prison thats all they had

damn now i'm hungry

I think that would be extremely painful

>prisoners sooner get access to a blade than ready powder

Attached: 81u8ViqUrWL._SX679_.jpg (679x679, 30.59K)

Make it for your whole life and never come back

You can mince garlic really easily with a blade and salt


Get out.

this is your brain on america

we know no such thing is possible
vegetable matter is not a fatty glob of animal proteins that denature under heat and when water is removed you still have the remaining fibrous tissue which is why potato chips are a thing
the writer of this scene was a retard who wanted to make magical prison cooking lore but never actually tried this
you're welcome

They were made guys not regular prisoners

Scorsese you hack, have you even cooked before.

Garlic with a hint of cheese, very French

for you

I mince garlic with a regular knife almost daily

I’m laughing and you non-roasted garlic faggots

You can't tell me after all these productions that you wouldn't watch a half-hour YT series "Marty in the Kitchen" with him waxing nostalgic about his nonna while he makes sauces and roasts and you swear you can smell the herbs simmering

Italians can't cook. Leave it to the French and Greeks.

Not 100% liquefied but jesus isn't it heaven? The sulfurs break down and suddenly you realize most alliums are packed with sugar and the shit's spreadable on whatever

dont browse much, do ya

>Italians can't cook.
Italian-Americans however

I prefer roasted garlic for most recipes, but it is a different taste than just pan cooked and more appropriate for certain dishes.

It was a very good system

God and I thought I was the only one to do it. It realy adds to the things you cook if you try unusual ways to spice up your food. There are a ton of things that get better if you just store it in your various holes. Ears add sweetness, nose or ass add whole worlds of spicy flavours.

worst group of loud mouth "my ancestor :)" larpers. If you aren't anglo, you don't belong in the US.

>If you aren't anglo, you don't belong in the US
I thought this was a cooking thread

Attached: no, you're the redditor.png (576x576, 326.9K)