Are american late night shows just watered down, boring gonzo journalism ?

Are american late night shows just watered down, boring gonzo journalism ?

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Seth is the fakest, then Colbert, then that African prick

Not a single one names them

simple as

No need to drag Gonzo’s name through the mud.

from most funny to least funny:

conan > kimmel > maher > colbert > fallon > noah > meyers > bee

Kimmel was based until he became a basedboy cuck who cries over everything. Literally looks like pic related

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Fuck no.
All of them are just lefty political shills at the end of the day now. It used to be about simply finding the guests interesting and seeing what they were up to, promoting their music or movies or whatever. Now they clearly shoehorn needless political messaging shit in all the time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them, fucking suck.

Bill is definitely the realest, I don't know how he's still on the air considering some of the shit he's said.

Yes yes. Everyone is wrong but Trump including the corona virus its a democrat hoax

do you follow this garbage? how do you know all of those?
the only ones i can name are conan and colbert

What is Seth's gimmick? Every other late night host has some gag or something that defines them. He is just completely devoid of personality.

Two scoops

What? English bro. This aint your pol echo chamber. Speak English

I dunno but I can take anymore cringe trump impersonations


>Jimmy "I do blackface and cry on air but I'm lowkey a pedo" Kimmel
>Stephen "I hate Trump but love to hang out with Podesta" Colbert
>Jimmy "Can't hold my liquor" Fallon
>Bill "I swear I'm not a kike, but actually I am" Maher
>Seth "Who?" Meyers
>Mongrel Abomination
>Conan "Begorah, it's like annuda potato famine" O'Brien
>Samantha "Keep those nigglets away from my kid's school" Bee

Combine them all and they look like Gman.

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based retarded ESL newfag

*pouts lips*
*does ok sign with fingers*

"Its gonna be bigly its gonna be tremendous"


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>if you criticize the red that must mean you are enthusiastically blue if you criticize blue it means you are burning red
Fuck off just because someone doesn't appreciate propaganda constantly being shoved in their face doesn't mean they support either side

Kys mass replier seriously drive into a tree or shoot your heart

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Goddamnit that tweet is gold


Fuck hes got the nuke codes

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Kimmel is one of the biggest hacks ever. In no way is he funnier than Colbert. Colbert might be a manipulative, pretentious asshole who coasts on entirely on politics but he's legitimately pretty sharp and an excellent improviser.

I like when he calls them fake to their faces at press events and they can't really say he is wrong

>drive into a tree
>shoot your heart

I need a car and a gun. I'll do both at the same time.

>he doesn't want to die in nuclear hellfire, the most kino death

Okay this thread stopped being funny. Is he really senile? Hes ranting about ufos today.

Malaria drugs for a flu
Bleach for a flu
Noble prizes
Ufos now

Whats next gay frogs with microchips