Kills multiple men twice her size

>Kills multiple men twice her size
What the fuck?

Attached: 2x07-29.jpg (4500x2368, 1.73M)

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Women are stronger than men. Get over it, incel

she uses the smell as a weapon


It's called the force, bro. She doesn't need to be strong. She doesn't need to labor in her training. All she needs is a vagina and the vagina force to defeat her sexist male advisories. Anyone who disagree doesn't know anything about the force and Star Whores like me.

How does she kill them?

wing chun

I wish she would kill me

47 style

This concept may blow your mind so take heed of what you're about to read.
It's a fictional tv show, it didn't actually happen in real life

Sits on their faces and crushes their heads while they furiously eat her ass.

So like, with a gun?


>complaining a woman is killing stronger men using the element of surprise
Ok, so OP is just a moron then?

Yeah obviously.

Women aren't quiet or subtle

>a smaller man is incapable of killing a larger man

she grew up with 4 brothers

ok roastie


Accepting a female doing anything competently is still sci-fi at this point.

show is stupid as fuck, but cute in a weird way.
besides no good spy drama around

Been awhile and I only saw the first season but usually with a knife and sometimes by shooting. Really don't remember her doing any silly kungfu or anything beyond maybe like a pretty reasonable throw or something before grabbing a knife.
Action was actually really good in this show, but the constant waffling of the characters as to what they want got far too tiresome by the end of season 1.

Now let me introduce you to X23/Laura from Marvel Comics and the movie Logan.


Jodie M. Coomer is cute

that show is so stupid and I hate Sandra Ohs character. It started out good and stylish and mysterious and turned to shit. It was like the shows own writers didn't know what to do with it which i guess is pretty common.

Any woman on the planet could surprise me and unless she is top level military or an MMA fighter or something, I would 100% absolutely beat her ass. Female police get their asses beat constantly and need to call for backup on everything because they can't physically handle suspects.

It's fine if you want to fall back on "it's just fiction dude", but I tend to hate shit like that in fiction. Yes, that includes 1 dude fighting like 10 and somehow winning. It also includes women beating up men because it just rarely ever happens in real life if both of them are trying.

>Its just fiction therefore the concept of verisimilitude doesn't exist

I wish they had cast someone more handsome than Sandra Oh, so that the sexual tension they want to achieve would be more believable and sexier. Maybe Lucy Liu

Attached: 1576088858923.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

do you understand the concept of surprise?

the sexual tension is not meant to be from looks

I mean if they specifically wanted an asian woman. Other choices could be Amy Adams, Rachel McAdams, Isla Fisher,

Wowww yaaaaasss what a badass *claps*

Who watches this stupid shit?

How does one ejaculate inside Jodie Comer?

She doesn't need the detective to be super hot. Villanelle can already have anyone she wants. The woman obsessed with serial killers, like in real life, is not supermodel hot. Sandra Oh works perfectly fine for the role besides the increasingly lackluster writing.

Yes. Do you? Because it doesn't mean "guaranteed kill"

>surprise somehow lowers my bone density by half and my muscle mass to third of their original volume