What's her problem?

What's her problem?

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People weren't paying enough attention to her

Not enough anal.


She’s been fucking black guys

coming off of drugs is hard

Why do women insist they post a selfie with their thoughts? Guys don’t do this.

She got in a bad car accident and it probably fucked her brain up. I'm surprii=sed more people haven't brought this up.

going for that untapped republican simp market

Why does society tolerate attention whores? Why do we let paypigs and beta orbiters ruin women?

lack of jesus christ our lord and saviour

Why is she doing this. It makes so little sense.

Is this over Biden?


She's right actually, I'm surprised.

women were a mistake

Yes. She's pissed that the Tara Reade thing is being swept under the rug by a party which supposedly cares about women.

she's upset about the rape accusations against Biden and how the media isn't covering those.

90 percent of the shit they do is for attention

>What's her problem?

It must be. The left wing rape cover up is going to be priceless this cycle

you mean, is it because she was paid to pretend to care about the allegations about Biden. the answer is yes, obviously.

Are RepubliLysol's going to try and spin this as something positive for their side? The whore lost her mind and became a republican. Pretty telling.


>Women can't take the redpi-

Oxymoron. At best you are temporarily embarassed eurocuck bootlicker.

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Found out her partys presidential candidate is a rapist.

is she still non-binary?

The democrat party is disgustingly corrupt and evil ofcourse but why is she pretending to just now notice that?

Lol why would you assume this? She was the number one Weinstein accuser

she realized that the samemefia that tried to crucify and destroy judge Kavanaugh with hundreds of attack pieces
they are now avoiding and hiding the joe biden rape story.
they are protecting joe biden and saying to not believe his accuser.

shes seeing her own feminist movement protect and dedend a rapist
she took the red pill

>Are RepubliLysol's going to try and spin this as something positive for their side? The whore lost her mind and became a republican. Pretty telling.

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Many such cases!

How is it an oxymoron? Democracy and liberty is the founding and defining feature of the country.
So much so, that American cultural studies puts an emphasis on it.

>Proud Democrat
>I would've died for this country

Zoomer males do.

her eyes are still red from Harvey's jizz.

She's too stupid to make a decent screen shot

>muh Rs and Ds

Trump buying bargain bin bitches for 12 hundred

She realised the Dems are just as corrupt and right-wing as the Republicunts. The corporate class has both parties in their pocket


>rape is bad unless a democrat does it

>muh democracy
Simps argue this. America is a constitutional republic. Women and niggers voting ruined America.

why are you lying? she's never been with a black guy

she's been with freaks like marilyn manson, which is just as bad...

If Warren was the nominee she would still be drinking the democratic kool aid. People like her are easily fooled.

Exactly. She's surprisingly smart for her reputation.

Maybe she's actually serious, who knows.

Fence sitters will be first against the wall

I would've called you a brainlet zoomer but you already outed yourself as such with your retarded meme that doesn't correlate to the situation.
And America stands for freedom first you bootlicker.

Unreal how divided this country has become. I watched two different coronavirus videos this morning, one was from MSNBC and the other was from fox news I think. 100% of the MSNBC comments were laughing at trump saying orange man bad type stuff and the fox news one was entirely comprised of people praising him and saying this entire thing was a hoax. Its like people have entirely lost their ability to draw their own conclusions, they're like fucking cult members.

based. she's literally one step away from going down the (((rabbit hole)))

>Democratic republic
>a full democracy


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It's not sitting on the fence when it's a false choice

>pick a side
No. I've no interest in identity politics, nor should any intelligent free thinking american.

Not an argument

It's divided because Americans are just dumb, plain and simple. Take all the smoke and mirrors away, all the charades, all the debates, and you're let to a very simple truth. The problem is this is starting to affect the rest of the world as well.

>Democracy and liberty is the founding and defining feature of the country.
So was voting restricted to white land owners.

what are your thoughts on voting Yas Forums?

coming from her of all people is pretty fucking hilarious

Everyone has a terminal case of confirmation bias.


Suck my dick faggot, how's that for an argument?

Yeah, she's clearly working for the republicans and Weinstein

I vote but cant blame people who have no faith in the system or people who don't identify with either party because only having 2 options is retarded. You cant be deeply pro gun and also deeply want better health care.

meanwhile you have nancy pelosi telling new yorkers to go to chinatown and hug asians
that bitch killed thousands of people