What's your favorite female film director?

What's your favorite female film director?

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I feel bad for actresses who trained so hard just to get bumped by instathot

Who's this whore? Think I could get it up for her

If there is a multiverse she is certainly the Wonder Woman at DCEU in some world

Watch Uncut Gems

Julia Fox

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Imagine a black baby being born between those hips

Fucking disgusting, she looks like she smells

I can’t name one

she used to get paid to feed guys her shit

Now arabs pay her to feed her their shit

I'd rather see her play Zatanna.

>leaves her husband after the movie comes out

disgusting whore

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based and bimbopilled


What did she mean by this?

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all women are whores


This bitch is trying too hard, though she's proof that even Terry's no-name cumdumpsters can have a semblance of a career.

I guess her motto is 'be an art-hoe, but put the emphasis on hoe'

Cue in Lana Del Rey music

i want to have sex with a girl so badly bros

I hate white women


Bella Thorne has a promising budding directorial career.

seconding this

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the wachowskis

Also this. Saved from the last Julia Fox fap thread.

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Every cumbrain on this entire site will hang, and I'll do it myself if I have to.

I wanna eat that ass so badly, lads.

Kei Fujiwara. ORGAN is great but I admittedly really didn't care for ID.

Okay bud. You're probably 100 pounds soaking wet. I doubt you could hang yourself properly let alone someone else.