Allmost everything that went wrong in the show was because of this idiot

Allmost everything that went wrong in the show was because of this idiot
>his relapse with jane
>walt falling out with gus
>actually falling into gus' scheme to kill walt
>the entire final season
Walt even frees him at the end when he didnt have to. Why do people like this fag again?

Attached: file.png (695x837, 978.58K)

Ngl he sucked ass in westworld s3 but it wasn't his fault
He was great in bb s1 but the show quickly ran out of steam Tbqh he should have died off in s3

haha magnets bitch [lalo]spoiler[/lalo]

The only reason i like this character is because he reminds me of myself in certain ways

You're claiming to be retarded?


People like Jesse because he's based, he's a little bitch but still didn't get killed


He is retard who gets in big boys game and he survived all that shit in the end

this dude shoulda been the final boss, not some shitty characterless neo nazis that showed up a couple episodes earlier. he shoulda killed walt too (though not in a heroic manner).

S5 was trash

ay yo mr.white sorry for getting high and forcing you to miss the birth of your daughter which further splits your relationship with your family. SCIENCE

You’re a meth addicted fuckup?

Lol I thought he had a jedi braid in the thunbnail.

Everything was going fine and there would of been a happy ending if this little fruit just chilled out.
Walt was to soft on the boy. Especially after he snitched.

Jesse is a girls name lol!

^this but unrionically
He would have been living in alaska WITH money and walt would have died of cancer having actually provided for his family.

Oh no.

The point of the story is that drug dealing isn't meaningful, rebellious, or truly glamorous, it's morally evil and turns you into scum. The fact that Walt died to some nobody trash is perfect to convey that. Dying to Jessie and making the story poetic is exactly what dealing drugs is not.

Walt still did provide for his family, he just wont get the credit for it. That wasn't why he did it anyways

The government just doesn't want private citizens stealing their business.

I know but he did start out wanting to do that. If he hadn't gotten exposed by jesse he would have left his family a fortune, skyler wouldn't be depressed as fuck, hank would still be alive and his own son wouldnt hate him also holly.

Reminder that Skylar insisted that Walt kill Jesse and that led to both Hank's death and Jesse's imprisonment.

B-B-But skylar is supposed to be the victim!

Why bring nazis for the final season?
They could have brought people from Gus's past, a rival cartel of Don Eladio's cartel or just use Mike and Hank as the antagonist to Walt.

they wanted to kill him in season 1 or something but changed their mind

Were the writers even aware of just how insufferable her character is?

same :/

same im a neet who does nothing but smocking weed

He literally did nothing wrong everything that went bad was because of Walt, great cook but fuck he made the dumbest choices

>they wanted to kill him in season 1 or something but changed their mind
I am well aware.
He became self parody by s5/6 anyway
Should have killed him off after he betrayed Walt 3x for Jane Gus beaner
Walt should have killed the bikers early on.
I hope the sequel series is set in Mexico (the best parts of bb where all new Mexico anyway)
Speaking of is bcs worth picking up this season? I lost interest when chuck died but Lalo is good apparently

>Walt even frees him at the end when he didnt have to
People are now calling for kim to have a good ending despite bcs/bb not being that type of show.
If they have any balls, kim should die just like jesse was supposed to in season 1.

Attached: spoils him.webm (854x480, 2.69M)

Is this what methheads actually believe?

True, he was a massive fuckup, but he was Walt's only in to the drug trade. If it weren't for him Walt probably would've wound up dead in a ditch trying to sell his product.

He literally is me
>dropkick loner with no real friends
>underachieving genius
>good cook
>just needs a chance in life but never really gets one
>old mentor takes him under his wing and uses him
>family disowns him
>just pretends to be stupid
Literally me brehs
My extended family and friends pretend I don't exist I hope they all get corona and die

imho the saddest scene in entire breaking bad was the flashback of jessie making his beautiful box and then cutting a shot to him slaving on cooking meth for nazi gang with chain behind his back while lookin like he hadnt showered in years. fact that he was already broken up by his gf's death and from killing gale makes it that much worse. it's impossible not to tear up at that scene for me

>it's impossible not to tear up at a BreakingBad scene
Are you a woman?

Lalo is just some meme character specifically tailored to the zoomer audience
BCS gets better and better by the season, but it's not because of Lalo

My guess is they had nothing for Jesses character so they had to get him locked up and the nazis were a way of doing that
IT was fucking stupid though

>Speaking of is bcs worth picking up this season?

>"underachieving genius"
>claims wire is an element
What show did you watch?

I am rewatching Breaking Bad and man, it's worse than I remember. I mean it's still a pretty good show, but it has real inconsistencies and shitty scenes. Not to mention a lot of characters acting autistic just for the cinematography (just being silent and ignoring people while acting like robots). Not to mention the deus ex machina.

Boys im in the middle of Season 4 and holy shit this season is the Epiphany of "NOTHING HAPPENS"
it gets better, right?

I just thought he was using different races for villains. We went from spics to niggers to whites

Copper is a element tho
T. Dumbass
I stopped half way through last season
Is it getting a finale any time soon I wunna binge but cbf waiting

Why does he have a Jedi Padawan braid?

Watch it, asshole. You can eat shit and die.

Don’t listen to that guy, user. Lalo literally carries the fifth season

except he didn't call it copper. He said wire which is why walt lost all hope for him.

Fuck i wanted to start rewatching today

>Are you a woman?
t. soulless

I tried rewatching it too and it just wasn't the same. Better call saul really is better much to the disappointment of the creator

I would also like to add that he only called it wire because walt was waiving it in front of his face with the hope that jessie would catch on that copper is the next element, Hes so retarded that he couldn't even follow the process walt was doing as he was explaining it step by step.

underachieving genius my ass.

He's basically meth rainman a idiot savant
Sounds kino
The show peaked with the pilot and s1.
Other seasons had their moments but the majority of it past s2 was filler
As much as I liked bcs Mike Gus gale it was all filler
Jane and muh plane arch was bloody cringe and was total shit
What we really needed was a badger and skinny Pete sequel series where they try to be jessie 2.0 and get up to shenanigans but their too old now
Dunno why vince pitched saul as some amazing show when it's all prequel shit and mainly dull mike's too fucking old hell everyone is.
Don't even get me started on elcamino
All the fattest Todd's in the world couldn't make me rewatch that shit I got half way through and turned it off

that's not his hair behind him bby

lmao meth rainman is the best description for him

Walt kept pushing him beyond his limits and manipulating him.
Watch the earlier seasons, he keeps saying "its the cost of doing business", "Its risky", "thats not how its done"