Do your fucking job mods

Do your fucking job mods

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Germany didn't want to conquer America or Britain, just Europe and the Mediterranean.

Germany wanted to liquidate like a dozen ethnic groups

>operation sea lion

Dilate Jannie lover

And? The British tried to kill all of the Aborigines. French and English tried to kill all the Indians. Arabs owned more black slaves than anyone.

did they? or is this just what you parrot like the uninformed individual that you are?

Americans and Brits didn't care about that. They just wanted to prevent German hegemony in Europe.

Abandoned, because they didn't have enough landing craft for a massive invasion.

Yeah keep pol in pol and ban op

I don't think it's a coincidence they only moved ahead with the Final Solution in 1942, after failing to wtfpwn Russia in a year. it's like Hitler got frustrated and decided to victimize a different group of people to make himself feel better.

political reasons for war do matter, and they do influence the decisions of military planner-types.

this thread

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>Final Solution

What are cut of supply lines in war torn Germany

Or not

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German is a disgusting language though
t. Kraut

the corner stone of British policy since the early 19th century was the prevention of any single nation from acquiring hegemony in Europe.

No, they unironically thought the jews were the only reason there were partisans

its a great tool with lots of room for imagination
t. actual kraut

I'll think you'll find it was Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia that were war-torn

Its gross I hate thinking in it.

It's a fucking disgrace of many different rules AND exceptions. Atleast English has one rule and exceptions.
t. living next to Krautland

>this thread

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>Our rail lines were destroyed!
>Our army functioned perfectly fine tho lol

Everything sounds better than German have you heard it?

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Don't forget it's supposed to be British and American bombings of the supply lines in 1939 and 1940 dumbasses.

Clean it up, janny!

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Who cares, none of those are white.


'Germany' wanted to save her countrymen from foreign opression in newly founded fake countries.

Hitler's actions were just and adequate.

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Germany is itself a fake country, Bavarian's and Saxon's have barely anything in common with eachother

Why would we be speaking German if we lost? We had Hollywood. They enjoyed our movies and so many of them learned English watching them.

Hahahahaha oh sir I'm innocent we just had to attack all our neighbors we were forced to do it their borders were too close to ours.

Yes we just had to invade poland. I mean how dare other europeans exist on this continent? That is a personal attack on us

Germans are the cancer of europe

Thank God Prussia died forever. Thank God Hitler turned Germany into rubble. Shame that they had Erhard who saved them from the brink with his economic miracle.

Even the German language is an attack on civilized world.
>butterfly - der Messersweaterschwitz

off topic threads are Yas Forums board culture. go back to Yas Forumseddit.

It was a last minute backup plan though. Other options included first attack on France or pact with Poland and attack on USRR.

Hitler was a brain addled meth head and incompetent.

But if thats your choice of nugget sauce trump is right up your alley. Fuck that dude is on something

It just means that everyone watches movies ot doesn't requires any knowledge so it's the main victim of containment leaking.


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>Germany' wanted to save her countrymen from foreign opression in newly founded fake countries.

Of course, and they fought side by side with brave allies to undo this great evil.

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They were planning to kill the vast majority of poles, balts, belarussians and ukranians, replace them with germans and keep the rest as a slave workforce.

That cannon possibly be real

Do americans really?

Apparently higher than euroleftshitcucks.

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Yeah it was "last minute" to meticulously partition eastern europe between Germany and the USSR

>Nobel prize for journalism
>noble prize

The one time they tried to implement this policy failed miserably. They did murder a lot of the local population of the Zamojskie region but the new German settlers were left alone with no defense and results were predictable.

His is going full conspiracy theorist on a ufo video today in tweets.

Cause you know tweeting is fun and running the country is not

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