About to watch this what should I expect?

About to watch this what should I expect?

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Mediocrity OR apex of female film making


I disagree but it’s undeniably based

to fall in love with prime scarjo

Peak ScarJo
Ribisi being Ribisi
Santori Time



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Two lonely people find eachother and have a cute romance in tokyo.

Accurate depiction of Japan.



Two bored scumbags and their firstest world problem non-story.

The most fucking boring, pointless, naval gazing, pretentious thing ever put to film

Really good love story and lots of feels. It'll make sense if you've ever fallen for someone out of reach. Don't listen to the forever alone boys on here

If you want a good love story with feels watch the before trilogy and avoid this hipster garbage

How do I age and still get 20-something women?
>hard mode no money

Be as charismatic as Bill fuckin Murray

I don’t understand why people hate this movie. It’s a warm, comfy, slow wander through Nipland with a busty Jewess and an Irish misanthrope to the strains of hipster music.
Not enough plot for you? No cape-men zapping bad guys? Does that make it pretentious? Fucking board’s gone to shit.


A movie about two lost souls able to heal each other in strange ways in a foreign land

pure kino

its fiction you retard. if bill wasn't famous no women would look at him twice.

have sex.

fedex your mom and i will

>boo hoo i'm a rich white person on vacation

the end

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pretty much this


No fucking ass!

Im 30, broke and a manlet, good face, jaw and physique tho. I'm getting 18 to 25 y/o's

I guess I have a broad array of topics to talk off and looks keep helping. Idk.

What do you talk about


The film equivalent of quarantine. Normies are unable to go out and socialize for a short period of time and they freak out.


actually true. thought it was just some japan movie shit but ive been watching japanese twitch streams for years now and its exactly like that.

t. resentful spergs

A very good film

Watch it at night it's pure comfy kino

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