What's her superpower again?

What's her superpower again?

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If you have sex with her you contract genital herpes.


Being the Joker’s gf.

she likes fuckin and suckin

Being completely forgettable.

Conveniently placed vitiligo

affirmative action

Making white women seethe.

yea, almost too lucky of a placement

killing stunt doubles

Isnt Luck literally the best superpower you can have?


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It's so good, fucking Liefeld stole it from Annie Nocenti's Longshot character

Everyone got upset about the race change, but not that they actually just made her Longshot instead

suckin and fucking is a norm macdonld meme you absolute CUNT

LOLOLOLOLOL u mad, noob??

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i will base you in the pill

If she's so lucky why was she born BLACK ?


White privilege

Cleaning toilets without a brush

delicious hairy armpits.

Domino is just a ripoff of long shot anyways

Limitless EBT card

makes men penises go big

being an painfully shit character redesign.

crashing motorbikes through plate glass windows.




Being cute

Basically. But in the comics she's an ultrapowerful psychic with a long range that is unable to consciously control her powers. It's not actual luck.

I'm so glad I'm not a Yas Forumsmmie. Because I have absolutely no idea what she looks like in the comics. Thus, I don't give a shit about the race or design change. In fact, because black domino is the one I came to like first, the idea of her being white actually sounds disappointing.