This is so fucking good

This is so fucking good.

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Some were. Some weren’t.

Like any anthology some were great some were actual trash. Either way i would like to see more of it

I liked them all except for desert acid fish.

I liked some of them, but the ones I didn't like include the one that most of Yas Forums seems to like.

Ones I didn't like are:

>Kill Hitler
>Yogurt Takes Ohio
>Monsters vs. Russian Army

Beyond the Aquila Rift was kino

what was up with that one that looked like sfm porn?

>didn't like Secret War

Attached: 1587894017639.png (497x576, 211.66K)

It must have come as quite a shock to learn that one of the segments I don't like is a popular segment that many people on Yas Forums like.

There's like 3 of those

why not?

It's great, but the photoreal Army ones are pretty boring. Junkyard is the best one.

I watched the first episode up until the point the female robot fighter or whatever she was supposed to be said she was better at her job because of her gender. It was pretty early on, Netflix really likes to set the tone early.


I liked the yogurt one, because I liked the absurdity of it. And I love the Brain. With you on the other two

I was watching this while intoxicated during the only threeway I ever had so I'll probably always remember this as better than it was.

Why didn't you like The Secret War? The animation was decent, the concept interesting, and the story was well structured.

What’s there to like, it’s generic army vs monsters, like watching a playthrough of call of duty nazi zombie mode.
Zima Blue was the best followed by Lucky 13 and Shapeshifters


It was awful and overstayed its welcome

If I wanted to watch generic army vs zombie action, why would I be watching 2deep4me cartoon short films?

I'm glad they didnt call it Heavy Metal. It's not a worthy successor

Personally I loved Fish Night, not only for the unique concept but the stunning visuals and soundtrack.

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It didn't have either of those

>Guy chasing the girl (made by spiderverse guy) episode
>cosmic horror waifu episode
>mech+furry episode
Not sure what else to add

The two Alastair Reynolds adaptation (beyond the Aquila rift and zyma blue) were good. The rest were mediocre at best. Most of them were shit though.

For me it was militar werewolf episode

dude me too
those werewolves were so fucking hot
i wish one of them would bite me so i can turn into a werewolf

Attached: LDR wolf fight1.webm (1920x1080, 1.28M)

I'm not a furfag btw

It had a simple story, and the concept of the Soviet Union using arcane magic to combat the Nazis is different- usually that is reserved for the Nazis due to the occult beliefs held by some members. It felt like a Mike Mignola concept without his signature style.

Why is Aquila rift so popular. I went back and watched it at Yas Forums‘s recommendation and its not even close to Kino Blue.
>it was all just a dreammmm
Fabricated reality is probably the worst trope in the history of cinema.

i also liked good hunting but a lot of people seemed to hate it

Attached: LDR fox build1.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

The robots talking about climate change was fucking gay.

Favorite episode was the hooker being chased by someone

The animation was one of the weakest examples.


Some were kino
Some were bland
Most were tainted by leftist garbage.

really? I thought it was good.

Maybe that's my opinion but I thought it was weak. Also the "monster being discriminated against and misunderstood" trope is as old as Frankenstein. Kinda tired of that.

>supposed to be said she was better at her job because of her gender
I thought she was better at fighting because she was actually fighting for her life unlike everyone else

>that webm
thats hot as fuck but the actual short film turned to shit when it became capeshit, felt completely half-assed