Cast it

Cast it

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a bunch of trans gay disabled POC


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Pick one

I'm fucking sneeding

It will just be another American Gods. Race, gay, trans, everything but whites.

idris elba
john boyega


what? is he happy or mad?

heres your Poseidon bro

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I'm surprised this many people care

I wouldnt mind seeing Jamie as Hera

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they care because they know Netflix is going to cast niggers


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did those people just put off learning mythology because there wasn't a netflix show about it? how else can you get excited about something which by definition is nowhere near new?

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>exploring themes of gender politics


>exploring the themes of gender politics

Will Kratos be in it

do you think incels will be scouring social media in their 40s, 50s etc looking for tweets to be outraged at or theyll grow out of it eventually?

It was meant to be

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Ares, the god of war (against transphobia)

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and how could fans of such kino ever get behind NIggerflix messing it up.


and thats a good thing

The excitement doesn't stem from the intrinsic message in or interpretation of mythology, but just superficial assets like "omg the styx is such a radicool concept i hope they do scenes there fr"

All white men will have been put down by then so only the nigcels and currycels will, but sure

It's already nearly impossible to watch shit made today. How are you going to enjoy the awfulness of 2035? Are you really that huge of an Indian?

Zeus will accidently misgender him which will cause a war between the gods

remember this when Hollywood is killed by Corona

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>gender politics, power and life in the underworld
So are they going to explain how I can get a waifu if I trick a girl into coming to my house and eating some pomegranate seeds?

will you still think everyone who points out your lunacy is a shemale aswell so you dont have to answer questions?

They know they'll niggify the deities.

Andy Samberg as Hermes, messenger of the gods and god of (((trade)))

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i barely watch shit made today because its shit. whining about it on here accomplishes nothing

>mfw hardcore bestiality scene when Zeus transforms himself into a bull and seduces Europa

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Will Netflix cast a WHITE bull?

Whoopi Goldberg as Athena, Goddess of wisdom

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>could have made a series on greek and roman history, you have tons of interesting people who actually did exist, hell you could make every episode focused on a different one
>nope, mitology it is again

Djimon Hounsou as Apollo, God of light

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