ITT: Awful movies by great directors

I'll start
was this supposed to be funny?

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Other urls found in this thread:

anything by Wes Anderson

I made the same mistake. I rented it when I was mid-teens and didn't find it funny. Then I grew up and watch it and it was quite humorous.

Its only funny to people who arent brainlets, sorry

really bitch

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>ITT: Amazing flukes by mediocre directors

Death Proof. People who say Tarantino hasn't made a single bad movie are lying or delusional.

so you’re saying wes anderson IS a great director

how can he be a great director if all his films are awful?

Yea, I was young and dumb. Same happened with Blazing Saddles.



That's Kubrick's best movie though.


Daily reminder that OP is an actual turboautist who makes the same exact thread multiple times per day about how a 55 year old film is not funny enough to him.

kek but that wasn’t me, i watched it for the first time not an hour ago

>show it to some girl
>just before the coca cola scene she suddenly comments on how Lionel Mandrake's English accent is a bit stereotypical

she hadn't figured out it was a comedy.

Stay on the boards as much as me and you'll see that SO many threads are repeated 99 million times. I don't get this autism. I make one thread a month, these idiots remake threads more than once a day. Why?

You make this same exact reply almost every single time, you can't escape this.
Your mental midgettry will be called out till the end of times

>why are autists autistic

>Kubrick tricked Scott into playing the role of Gen. Turgidson far more ridiculously than Scott was comfortable doing. Kubrick talked Scott into doing over-the-top "practice" takes, which Kubrick told Scott would never be used, as a way to warm up for the "real" takes. Kubrick used these takes in the final film, causing Scott to swear never to work with Kubrick again.

because he's good in the technical aspects but he uses his talent to make movies that are fucking gay and retarded

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Rhetorical question.

death proof is great though

A lot of directors do that

common problem. studies have consistently shown that a high percentage of people are or were young at one time.

Death Proof is kinda silly but is not bad, Hateful Eight is shit, the movie is held together by the script and the script is the worst thing i've ever seen

I was so excited to see this because I loved Aronofsky's past work and it was probably the most i've ever been let down in a film.

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One of the funniest movies ever made. Kill yourself.

see, for me the thing is, I wouldn't call tarantino or wes andersen *great* directors, but they're certainly good directors. Because even though they have some bad films, I'd probably still rather be watching one of their bad films than a lot of other directors' "good" films.