/who/- Doctor Who General

Dalek Rewatch Edition

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*Jubilee Relisten Edition

FTFY user

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i think these won't be deleted as long as we don't develop autism like last time. none of the threads in the past two months (and i've made a lot of those) have been deleted

let's make sure we stay peaceful and not provoke the jannies

What even happened to provoke the jannies anyway?

will /who/ wiki ever return?

Kinos about living in a society?

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we do not speak of the dark times
/who/ was invested by tripfags and countless threads and autism triggered the mods into banishing /who/
the trips moved to a forum and the threads came back because of how disgusted everyone was by the absolute state of Chibnall Who
let's see if the general survives the end of quarantine


>Hello swe--

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Get ready for 6 and Mel kino

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We all know that Charley never left the orgy and got gangbanged at 18 years of age.

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Don't talk about Charley like that! She is pure

found a cartoon Dalek customiser online

(translate the page from japanese, pretty straight forward to use tbf)


attached one of mine kek

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Based audio drama

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Just watched the Family of Blood epilogue, wtf was that shit?

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it made me feel dead inside

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Noncanon and should be ignored.


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Disappointed in Cornell. What happened?

she is a very special girl

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is this true?

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to the gentleman who posted my 10 wooden leg pic from years ago, here's another one I made back then

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for me, it's these emotionally stunted autists

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Definitely. In fact, instead of the sexbot factory she'd probably bring you back in time to see Clara again.

Imagine this. You’re a child, and it’s Christmas morning. The minute you wake up, you feel the excitement rushing through your veins. You jump out of bed and dash towards the tree. But underneath it is a single present. You pick it up. It feels light, delicate, intricate. A piece of art. It must be very special, if it’s the only thing mom and dad got for you. You can barely keep yourself from tearing the paper open and revealing the beauty within, but you decide to wake up mom and dad first. After all, this moment must be special. This memory must be perfectly sculpted, a cherished moment for all of eternity. After fifteen minutes of begging, they finally roll out of bed and make their way down the stairs. You follow closely behind them (blocking the way just in case they decide to turn around and go back to sleep for another half hour). Once in the room with the tree, you snatch up the package from the floor, fingers trembling with pure delight and excitement. A smile grows on your face. Your mother and father smile back, as if they can’t wait to see your reaction to their beautiful gift. Then, in one motion, you tear the paper off of the package, revealing Destroyed Cassandra

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Probably for the same reason the video has a high upvote:downvote ratio, because only the people unblocked from him will even notice it.

What orgy?

what time is the dalek rewatch at

7pm BST

Prologue beforehand


6pm: A new short prequel to Dalek (by
) introducing Adam's predecessor, Sven

7pm: Watch Dalek with live tweets from

7:45pm: Bonus content from

I unionically have a Destroyed Cassandra in storage in the loft.

Hell yeah I love Big Finish!

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