Cast him

Cast him.

This man is personally responsible for 90% of BBC/cuck spam on this entire website. He has been at for over 6 years. He moderates various subreddits and uses thousands of alternate accounts to upvote and agree with himself.

Him and his small gang of hapas literally monitor this board FOR FREE and use their Discord to coordinate BBC/White female Asian male picture spam in threads they dislike.

Who could play such a man?

Attached: tenda.jpg (812x576, 123.65K)

Other urls found in this thread: Reynolds/filter/text/


I think this is outdated information tbqh, and that Indians / Turks / funposters / trannies are more responsible at this point

Does this guy make money off this shit somehow? Like is he playing a character to make money off of retards?

Tenda is a Chris Chan tier autist.

Attached: 38f4bc9129dee936d2c6000d6f688d05e54a5ba1640003f991b4b8085876553c.jpg (2500x4504, 2.38M)

The absolute state of AMWF

Attached: 1571055671677.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

the BBC, cuck and tranny spam is from an Australian tripfag called Josh Reynolds who posts here and on /sp/ Reynolds/filter/text/

I thought the TÜRKS started it all

she cute

what's his endgame?

I wonder what would happen if he was half filipino

Maybe this started as a troll to own the whites but I think now he's just into it

The rugby league player?

i feel bad for him

To answer the guy in the last thread.
They're in eastern europe, he purportedly left his family in the states because she says his family was racist towards her, that his mom was a tiger mom (that she herself is acting exactly like), and his dad flashed his dick at her and propositioned her.
They're both fucked up, dysfunctional people.

Attached: 1587419391854.png (639x400, 299.39K)

He doesn't have one. Spamming interracial is his endgame.
He actually started off as a neo-nazi on stormfront. I'm not joking. He went insane because of the cognitive dissonance of being half-asian and suddenly flipped to interracial sex addiction. An interesting case study.

Sounds like the average hapa family lol

He's a pretty good artist t b h. He should keep doing blacked cartoon porn.

No, this was that other video the 40 minute long one of the girl berating her husband, not the hapa.


Impregnating the asian is only step one of the plan

Attached: Jeon.Somi.full.150493.jpg (1080x1080, 107.91K)

The only actor skilled enough to play the part is Paul Dano.

Attached: 267214_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 116.68K)


Show the side pic.
Show it.
He has no chin lmfao

just report all cuckshit as spam and move on

you honestly believe that? maybe its low effort bait that guarantees a dozen replies because newfags just cant resist? youre going to say im him now because your pre programmed, Pavlovian brain dictates you do

Every night there are spamers who post images from degenerate filth like Blacked on this board. Every time most people explain "The owner is a JEW!". This is a waste of time. What we need to do is expose the people who subscribe to Blacked and other interracial fetish sites. We need to name and shame people and spread the fact that they masturbate to white destruction.

There are actual cuckolds out there whose sexual fetish is literally the destruction of white people. This isn't a rare fetish. Porn is a multibillion dollar a year business and most people pirate it. How often do you blacked or other interracial filth on pichunter or other sites? These business have larger reaches than many major newspapers! The way to hurt them is to go after the people who pay them.

There are members of the media who are literal cuckolds. There are poltical operatives too. Exposing one of them as an interracial fetishist would have a huge effect!

1. These fucks would get scared.
2. The media would have to report on this filth which would drive people to our side.
3. It would hurt businesses like blacked who are worse than drug dealers.

What can you do? Dox smaller players that write anti-white stories, create anti-white art, or post on any of the fetish sites about it. Expose them to their friends, family, and coworkers.

we need new material, amwf, bmwf, wmaf and wmbf are all getting old, it is just the same old webms. New parings are necessary

is this satire or genuine?

Tenda literally posts his face and IRL identity. He doesn't care. Shaming won't stop him because he feels no shame. Or rather, more accurately, he feels so much of it so consistently that it no longer affects him.

Hijacking this shit thread. Does anyone know an image board that actually focuses on talking about movies and tv?

Attached: badtv.jpg (900x4050, 776.82K)