Put Actor in the anime picture generator

>Put Actor in the anime picture generator
>Others guess who it is

Attached: download (5).jpg (256x256, 20.87K)

Is that the girl from the Back to the Future movies?

Sarah Connor?

Lea Thompson?


Attached: download (3).jpg (256x256, 20.94K)

keep it to one fucking thread

Attached: download (1).jpg (256x256, 20.23K)

Guess who

Attached: waifu.jpg (256x256, 21.62K)

Other thread doesn't have the guessing premise, I say we keep this one

Attached: ree.jpg (256x256, 18.16K)

Idris Elba playing Idris Elba.

Trans gender reveal dad

gender reveal party dad


Why's it just turn some faces into skin bags?

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I'll be shocked if anyone gets this one

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Attached: download.jpg (256x256, 18.17K)

You mean Idrisu Erba

Attached: file.png (256x256, 97K)

Attached: her.jpg (256x256, 23.35K)

Ana de Armas?

kekked and checked

Attached: 1588241220238.jpg (256x256, 27.51K)

Attached: star trek.jpg (256x256, 20K)

Holy shit, sometimes these capture the soul

Jim Carrey as The Grinch

and he was a good waifu

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Attached: index.jpg (256x256, 29.37K)

Emilia Clarke

Attached: anime.png (5025x3001, 3.57M)

Attached: file.png (256x256, 126.99K)



Actually not terrible

Attached: mulderitsme.jpg (256x256, 28.02K)

Attached: download (3).jpg (256x256, 24.87K)

its like the classical painting site from last summer. i cant find that anymore. anyone?

Attached: erz.jpg (256x256, 22.3K)

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Attached: the neckbeard became his own waifu.jpg (256x256, 26.95K)

Attached: Jizasu Kirishitsu.jpg (256x256, 18.13K)

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Attached: download (37).jpg (256x256, 25.69K)

No and fuck you

Jean Claude Van Damme?

Attached: index(4).jpg (256x256, 21.6K)