You sound like a racehorse pissin in there
You sound like a racehorse pissin in there
was this filmed on a greenscreen?
Salah Ad-Fin, my arch nemesis.
>i was here its a joke
How do I piss like a racehorse lads?
Expand the diameter of your urethra while increasing pressure applied.
>tfw a girl i lived with told me the same thing
it was almost like she was turned on by it. girls are weird
Make pp PP
why did they animate a wax sculpture to play vito in this scene? Was the act out for heart troubles or something?
>how the FUCK do you know what a horse pissing sounds like, ya fackin hooah??
she as asking you to piss in her face and you blew it you clueless dolt
No no no, I was off my medication, t's just a joke
i think she thought because i could piss hard i had a big dick
she was white
Every dick looks big when it's in your face.
where's Tony B?
What does this picture mean? What is the rating or smth?
Power level, I assume.
giving smb a massage
Why Albert Barese twice in it?Remind me who is Ernie and Bert as well?
What would you do if you were Finn in this situation?
Here’s what I do
>Guzzle a liter of water immediately before bed
>fall asleep
>wake up because you have to go to the bathroom
>urinate for a good minute, minute and a half
Feels good man
come to game with this man
best choose
>Why Albert Barese twice in it?
Hes a fuckin parakeet
I said Why Albert Barese twice in it?Remind me who is Ernie and Bert as well?
genuinely laughed at this post. just imagining the absurdity of not only coming up with this 'technique', but then posting about it in a sopranos discussion thread on a tv image board. thanks user, don't know why this post made me chuckle so much
Beer`s help?
It seriously unironically helps me wake up though
urinonically u mean?
Shut the fuck up
some more picture like these?
I'll see you on the ban list tonight.
take a load of this motherfucking cocksucker here
Based Vito who takes up his fag ass
Maybe you're a flambe!