Liking kino

>liking kino
>not liking Evangelion
How do you explain this contradiction?

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I’m not an autistic virgin weeb who thinks anime is anything but absolute trash

Evangelion insists upon itself too much.

The explanation is threefold. Firstly, referencing concepts isn't the same thing as exploring them. Secondly, Evangelion is a television series concluded with a film, and the film's meaning is only fully appreciated by people who've watched the series, so it's not a standalone work, and if watched as a standalone work, it's underwhelming. Thirdly, I get pussy.

>implying I haven't grown my beard to look like Gendo's ever since I could grow facial hair and seeing it on vhs in the 90s


I like it but not as much as m/a/nchildren

If Evangelion is truly the best thing that anime has to offer, then anime is shit.

Actual fpbp

This explains it all

ITT contrarian Yas Forums spergs who constantly fawn over capeshit and tarantino

the rebuilds are such trash, bros. Did Anno chase money?
>but 1 and 2 are good
they are just watered down versions of the series at least until 70% through 2.

>Yas Forums spergs who constantly fawn over capeshit and tarantino
what bizzaro Yas Forums have you been in

3 is great because its finally some new content after 20 years

The Ramiel fight was better though, that's the only nice thing I can say about it.

The catalog

>Yas Forums is contrarian because me and another bunch of teenagers liked this anime when we just learned about Nietzsche in school

the spectacle looks nicer in general but at the cost of characterization and most character interactions basically

>all the capeshit spam
>the praise for Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
I don't like either of these things but he's not wrong.

>I am projecting
>Yas Forums is not contrarian
dire post, never reply to me again

Right on the money huh? No one cares about your teenager waifus, just accept it faggot.

I like anime because it's not real life. I really hate looking at people.

>all the capeshit spam
Most of that is complaining about it though in fact most of Yas Forums is complaining about things.

kill yourself phoneposter

cause u normies think like its a remaster/retelling but odds are its been a sequel all along.

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LMAO grow up nigger, you're about to cry because people don't like your pretentious cartoons.

kys phoneposter

Never understood this. There's plenty of great anime that aren't kiddy shit or nothing but big boobs flapping around.

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Because I am(not) a fag.

Because this board is chock full of brainlets.

>Kazuya Tsurumaki, one of the directors for the new Evangelion films, has strong words for naysayers who dismiss the project as a mere remake. "Nothing could be further from the truth!", he says. "This isn't about putting the same old story with slightly better animation techniques or touched-up footage. When we use the word "rebuild", we mean an honest-to-goodness rebuild, from the ground up.

no it's not

The rebuilds have been taking so long that the FFVII remake copied the idea and now people will think that game did it first.

complaining about it the way only someone who actually bothered to sit through the entire thing can. they don't fool me