What's the worst movie you've seen on a plane?

What's the worst movie you've seen on a plane?

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Zoolander 2

I watches miss congeniality twice, back to back, on a transpacific flight because there was literally nothing else to do.

>I watched miss congeniality twice, back to back
not all heroes wear capes

Thank you for your service

A dog? On a plane?

Is that what happened to Carlton?

What are you asking?

Either Keanu or The Disaster Artist. Best one I ever saw on a plane was a documentary about localizing Everybody Loves Raymond in Russia.

It's more likely than you think

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Paul Blart Mall Cop 2
Turned if off halfway through.

Was is that bad?

Gosford Park, flying to Hawaii. They played it 3 times.


capeshit movies

imagine if he was the captain
a dog flying a plane

Was it as dank as the memes make it seem?

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Would be incredibly based and not only that but redpilled as well

silly dog

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capitain america civil war

Ecks vs. Sever. Don't really know what's happening in that movie. Neat names though. Recent worst would be Pixels.

I watched Solo on a flight to Europe. Well that’s not fair to say actually because I fell asleep through most of it.

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haha how silly
dogs can't fly planes user

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Well Solo is the best of the Disney Star Wars movies, although that’s not saying much.

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i've never traveled by plane
how does it feel like?

Solo is easily the best Disney wars movie

Like salty bags of milky coins

It sucks, the only good part is the liftoff.

Bio-dome with Pauly Shore.

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That Poo baseball movie with Jon Hamm. Weirdest shit I ever sat through.

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it's fun but sometimes you feel weightless and you start to wonder if the pilot is pulling a Bonin on you

This little shit flew a plan into the twin towers.


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It feels like riding on a cloud

Fantastic four in a language I don't know and no subs
>What? Who the fuck is this guy
>Haha she is naked
>Who is this silver cunt
>That burning is awful
>What is going on
>*ends abruptly*
Seriously, they didn't even put the whole movie in that thing.

Is Ecks vs Sever worth watching as a shitty movie?

Like the first two seconds of a lift, except you feel it for two minutes before the flight and after
Also it's fucking cold in there

I watched Contagion on a plane when it was new

Depends on the plane you fly on, sometimes it’s a pretty comfy experience (especially if you get business class seats) but other times you get on a plane where they clearly stuff you on legroom and they have shitty tech that hasn’t been updated in 20 years.
Get a window seat if you’re on your first flight, I brought my friend on one for his first time and he got to see the Grand Canyon.

Imagine being crammed in a sardine can with 100's of other people breathing on you, getting rattled at a 35 degree incline through a deafening roar for 30 minutes as you constantly adjust your sense of equilibrium, then spending hours listening to a ear-piercing hum that makes a fluorescent bulb static sound like home before you start landing and repeat the whole process over again.

It's enjoyable if you're flying for the first time and you've got a window seat. Otherwise, it's the kind of experience that most people do everything in their power to block out via alcohol, xanax, chewing gum, headphones, and a good book.

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A little scary during takeoff, landing and turbulence. Beyond that it's mostly just boring.

Your anus immediately prolapses and your fucking eyeballs pop out of your skull.

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