Why is he so likeable?

Why is he so likeable?
Get him to the greek was kino

Attached: russel brand#.jpg (750x400, 38.05K)

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>This ugly bastard had sex with prime katy perry
I'm so jelous bros

Women don't judge men on the same metric men judge women user

>that time russel dabbed all over MSNBC
never forget bros

I don’t actually hate him cause he says some nice shit, but I always thought he was very “hateable” and wonder why he got so popular. Good dude imo though.

I just see him get hated on a lot here but everything I see him in he's very amicable

wot I blimin well 'ate is those geezas up in wall street an canary wharf an the corparashions takin an takin and not givin an givin an av you erd of this fing called quan a ittiv easin? there bloody printin money up there wot we should be doin is luvvin each ovva not 'atein each ovva innit.

Attached: 199074708971.jpg (679x1024, 167.3K)

White "'''''penises'''

Russel is like your stoner friend just pulling shit from his ass.
How people take his political statements serieus I'll never know, why do people even listen to fucking commedians in the first place.

He's really well spoken for a former heroine addict.i wish I had his grasp on language

He's actually really smart. Maybe if you listened with an open mind instead of the typical Yas Forumsshit

Weed will fuck your head up way more than heroin desu

he's a fucking moron
>t. read the first chapter of his ridiculous book

I just listen to his podcasts. Have you got anything online we can listen to? Just so we can make a comparison.

Not him but a lot of my lefty friends don't like him for the same way people find friendlyjordies annoying, just up their arse and narcissistic, fairy tale vision of the possible world.

However, serves as great entry level values to left leaning policies. Wish he supported Miliband earlier than he did, despite being a turncoat who last minute decided to step down from "THEY'RE ALL BAD ALL OF DEM".

Intelligent but somewhat ill-informed, but very naive and stuck in his ways.

tl;dr he's a smarter Joe Rogan

literally the opposite, i can't stand him
not stop pseudo intellectual babble going on infinite tangents and not actually saying anything of any real value
stuck so far up his own arse it's untrue, he's genuinely an idiot that thinks reading a thesaurus and dropping acid makes you some sort of spiritually enlightened being

>tallest in the photo
>has the smalles pecker I've ever seen
the absolute state of lanklets.

It was called revolution I've got no idea where you can "listen" to a book, probably go torrent it. If you are into podcasts though, chances are you'll think he's a genius.

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This user is insecure because he doesn’t get enough attention for his own perceived intelligence, but sees other people getting attention, people he looks down on.

When is he gonna do Goth Detectives?

Attached: 854217_w980h638c1cx511cy248.jpg (980x638, 97.48K)


Seems ok thick wise and could be a grower. My dick is slightly bigger flaccid and grows to a pleasurable size

Books you can listen to are called audiobooks.
I'm asking if you have done anything in your life at all that can prove your intelligence?

>not stop pseudo intellectual babble going on infinite tangents and not actually saying anything of any real value
This, he's less focused on the pseud stuff now than he was 10 years ago but it's still there a bit. When you actually think about anything he says though it really is a crock of shit, all of it. His social skills are through the roof though so that disarms people, but he's also very manipulative. I don't think he's a scumbag or anything like that but someone who puts a front on as much as he does is someone to be wary of

He's OK, but he gives off such dick vibes. He says a lot of good things but in a way that makes me doubt his sincerity. A bit like Bono.

that tweet makes a lot of sense after seeing this pic....

Attached: 1496879470480.png (621x374, 42.3K)

I'm a weed addict user, don't say that. I need my brain


Those two would be quiet good together

Why are you obsessed with black penis? Daily reminder this is what mainstream Chinese culture looks like.

I'm tryna quit after like 8 years of smoking. Shit literally fries your brain to the point you can barely hold a conversation and leaves no room for spontaneity. Fucks with your dick too.

white bread, I'm not the one tweeting this stuff


>ohhh me Chinese!
>ohhh preeeeees rike black penis

Go jerk off in the corner, cuck boy.

This desu. He really does come across as a well meaning bloke though he chats a tremendous amount of (amusing) shit.