Attached: 1587986100506.webm (274x274, 163.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tranny beating up a pregnant woman

Attached: hrtmachines, son.jpg (400x450, 7.73K)

very progressive

>tranny beating a jew to death
Not very progressive Naughty Dog.



Attached: _BatMaam.jpg (700x684, 60.52K)

>implying western "science" is right about anything

Attached: 1582039049280.png (745x1025, 751.67K)

>mtf tranny brutalizing lesbians
Is naughty dig secretly redpilled?

Attached: _BoltManX.jpg (542x386, 220.02K)

Bravo Druckmann, really makes me think

t. african witch doctor

Post the one ''she'' breaks Ellie's arm and beats her up until her eyes start bleeding
Also post the one she smashes Joel's head

She doesn't die. Androgynous Short Stack convinces her to spare them for no reason.

Attached: IMG_20200429_220238.png (1235x612, 36.36K)

Neil Druckmann is an Israeli-American writer, creative director, and programmer, and Vice President of Naughty Dog

wow this really really makes me think

>only the straight white man dies
Too bad. I'm cool with Joel getting clubbed, I just wish they had the balls to go all the way. Subverted expectations and all that.

Well their boss famously bullied out one of the most talented women in the industry and then butchered all her work, so possibly.

yes Yas Forums is just jealous


I'm waiting for someone to make a loop of this badass fucking knee to the gut.

Attached: 1560083443961.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

>asian gets cucked by a lesbian

Two strong-willed characters running into each other, neither willing to relent. Even with the movie's terrible singing it was inspiring.

This is like the anti of that. A weak-willed idiot with no conviction in their actions changing their mind for the most trivial of reasons because of what another weak-willed idiot whimpers to them.

There's something exceptionally feminine about this. Only thing masculine in this story is that dude's body.

Of course, Javert does eventually relent, under evidence that to him was so strong it overturned his entire world view. Then he kills himself, as you would expect of a guy like that.

Attached: tenor.gif (250x132, 422.86K)

This is some fetish shit

Isn't it the other way around? Ellie got saddled with raising her wife's son.

i thought just the voice actor was trans, is it confirmed the character is too?

So is the giant psychotic tranny the antagonist?

Look at the size of that lass. Absolute unit. Must be 6'3" at minimum.

No Ellie is

Knife guy slashing instead of stabbing, what a retard

No. You're forced to play as the tranny and hunt down Elle and her kike whore of a gf.


She's the protagonist

I would buy the game if they let me brutally murder the tranny but as it stands, I won't even pirate it.

The game switches perspective and makes her the player character halfway through.
If the leaks are any indication, there’s a truly pathetically manipulative attempt to make her seem a good guy by making her rescue children in the opening missions.

that's a woman (female)
obviously she doesn't know how to stab

Modern video games like this and Tomb Raider have taught me that extreme violence towards women makes them stronger.

sounds based

I thought this was some sjw shit, or is the tranny the villain?

>No Joel
>Stuck playing as Ellie like the horrible DLC
>then no Ellie
>turns out she is the bad guy
>here have this other character

I would be angry if I spent money on this.

He rescues a POC trans kid from an all white christian religious cult that practices eugenics.