ITT: /tg/ humor.

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Toys are for kids retard.

and coming to 4chinz every day makes you a well adjusted adult, sure

/tg/ is becoming worse than Yas Forums for most cancerous part of Yas Forums.

Fuck off tourist

/tg/ is basically the fucking Bahamas with the miriad of subreddits and youtube channels out there advertising it constantly.


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You ever heard of Yas Forums


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fuck you then

this guy is literally me

This. A superhero thread died for this. I will never forgive OP

I'm glad I'm not this guy.

"Yas Forums" should be fucking filtered like soiboy.
Anyone who mentions it for or against does nothing but drag entire threads into useless discussions.

I don't think I've ever seen someone pro-Yas Forums bring it up in a thread.

this guy

>he doesn't know about Yas Forums

It is always the faggots that get but hurt about someone else's opinion that start screeching about Yas Forums.


/tg/ and Yas Forums are both full of cucks who cheer as their hobbies get censored and destroyed by identity politics and sjw nonsense until every women looks like a tranny and every white male has been replaced because they are to sacred of being labelled "racist" or "sexist" if they dare to speak up

If someone mentions Yas Forums the thread was lost already

also test basedboy

It was inevitable once 5e came out and normies latched on to D&D as the new cool thing that all the hep cats are doing

Do they? I'm pretty sure pozzed shit gets a very negative reaction on /tg/, it's just that they have no input on their hobbies so they can't do anything about it.

Or simply people who don't like off-topic threads.

This thread reeks of Yas Forums dung

Who cares about D&D though. They can have it, there are still absolute fucktons of other ttrpgs, not to mention the colossal backlog of hundreds of different games. Ttrpgs aren't like videogames where the shit graphics, system compatibility and outdated control schemes makes old stuff unpleasant to play, old rpgs are still great.

Yas Forums Yas Forums Yas Forums. Another board will take the title sooner or later.

>fag coming in talking about /tg/ as if anyone knows or cares

>/tg/ and Yas Forums are both full of cucks who cheer as their hobbies get censored and destroyed by identity politics and sjw nonsense until every women looks like a tranny and every white male has been replaced because they are to sacred of being labelled "racist" or "sexist" if they dare to speak up

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The “nat 1” and “nat 20” memes are normie shit made by and for people who don’t play tabletop and also this is Yas Forums you illiterate twat.

The existence of Dungeon World doesn't stop normies shitting up /tg/ with their cancer


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