daily reminder many important people in Hollywood browse this shithole
Daily reminder many important people in Hollywood browse this shithole
This is true
I'm an actor, AMA
do you pretend to be jewish for roles?
Taylor Swift here AMA
Fuck jews and fuck jews
How much mutilated kike pp have you voluntarily sucked?
>important people
Kek. You're just a tool.
A lot
Some I sucked involuntarily too
you're not an important person dane, get outta here
Rooney here. How do I get better at drinking? I only drank 3 pints of that mk ultra and I'm already pretty shit faced
Does Dick Bush still browse here?
>important people in Hollywood
and their threads get deleted just like the rest of us :)
Beer is nasty. Drink whisky instead.
How do you involuntarily suck a dick?
All the 'important people' in Hollywood are woke retards so wouldn't come here
Not him, but i'd imagine it involves one sharing a drink or two with mr. noseberg that tastes faintly of rohypnol, and then waking up the following day in possession of a folder containing copies of a bunch of polaroids and a note stating that the part is now theirs.
sounds kinda hot ngl
i like to drink whiskey neat, but it always give me mad heartburn. sucks
Not only that but they continously gossip abou eachother here
I do browse here but I'm not an actor.
>le reddit whisky soi
what's with the retarded doge meme?
thats true and you will never get invited to the pedo sex club because youre a useless poor drone
n i g g e r
r e g g i N
If that's true then how come they keep making such shit movies?
I hope they get raped
How come you keep making such shit memes?
umm he said important people
You mean me specifically or Yas Forums in general?
beer is filled with phytoestrogens and all alcohol kills your test. all of it is for sois