Army arrives at Highgarden

>army arrives at Highgarden
>in the very next scene they're already inside and negotiating their surrender
does nobody in this fucking show know what a castle is supposed to do?

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to Highgarden

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is she sick?

>stannis marches on winterfell
>roose bolton says they'll prepare for a siege and just wait stannis out
>stannis arrives and suddenly all of roose's forces are mobilised with full cavalry outside the castle walls
>battle of the bastards
>Ramsay puts his entire army outside the castle walls
>the long night
>Jon puts his entire army outside the castle walls
>puts trebuchets in front of the army
>"we can't beat them in a straight fight"
>has dothraki bum rush them

To be fair, the author also has no idea how things work in real life as well.

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>Here, boy. Melt it down and add it to the others, if you like. It will do you more good than the swords in the hands of these five. Perhaps Lord Stannis will chance to sit on it when he takes your throne.
I miss him so bad bros

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Shits me to no end

>first we take Braavos, then we take King's Landing

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they just kind of forgot to close the gate
shouldn't have gotten invested in the fat mans wanna be fantasy epic

>we were never much for fighting
>Randyll Tarly's face when

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Didn't you see that they had a flower on their sigil? A fucking flower!

I assume youre talking about game of fags.
the shows target audience is full of mouth breathing retards and the writers/ creators etc are basedboy queers.
the onions faggots couldn't come up with anycool plot line about a siege because that would require them to have some creativity, and the ever dumber audience wouldnt understand why they don't just use big Lord Of the Rings style towers to land troops over the wall.

plus people would bitch and moan when the people being sieged turned to cannibalism and eating doggos, fucking pussies

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>>has dothraki bum rush them
The Dothraki weren't even outfitted with any weapons that could kill a wight before the red witch teleported in. They had a vision of a scene in mind and they'd be damned if a little thing like plot should stand in the way of that visual.

Floppy pink ding-dong, sunset found her poo pants

the battle plan for the night king battle is so fucking hilarious. trebuchets in the front, cavalry armed with useless weapon suiciding for no reason, everyone whining that there is no way to light the trench while jon is literally sitting on a dragon observing everything, hiding from zombies in a crypt full of zombies
fuck this show was so stupid lmao


GRRM had the right in bringing fantasy closer to real life history in its politics, economics, war and so on, but the problem is he has no knowledge of how any of that shit worked. Everything that is supposed to feel like real history in GoT feels very superficial.

Surrendering is an option even if holding out was also an option, generally if you laid down your arms without a siege your opponents wouldn't pillage and skullfuck your citizenry, where if they instead besieged and won they would wreck your shit for the inconvenience you put them through not giving up in the first place.

The worst of all is that there's actually plenty of reasons why a castle would just surrender rather than face a siege, so all the writers had to do was bring in a historian (or honest to god, just do some googling) and then set up a good reason a few episodes before, but they couldn't even do that. They just decided to pretend sieges weren't a thing.

The problem is that in the past they've proven that they have some basic grasp on how strategy works. Blackwater was proof of that.

>hiding from zombies in a crypt full of zombies
I actually thought there was going to be a point to this. Like, the viewer obviously thinks the dead will rise but then it's shown that the Starks knew how to keep a body safe from resurrection and that's why they're all in stone tombs with iron swords laid across. Subverting expectations. But nope, when it's truly retarded they chose to not subvert expectations.

Why the fuck would the Northern house that cares the most about the Others have crypts that go back hundreds and hundreds of years if the corpses could be resurrected just like that? Shit just don't make sense.

Blackwater was written by GRRM

Yes but that doesn't mean people would surrender on the spot and just choose to be looted like it was nothing, not to mention that in this case the head of the ruling House knew surrender meant her very death. So you don't surrender if 1. you have the supplies to hold, which Highgarden had and 2. a relief force is likely to arrive soon, or something would force the besieging army to leave. A siege lasts months, and Daenerys not only had fucking dragons that traveled twice the distance in a matter of hours a few episodes later, but she also had two armies, one next to a virtually unprotected King's Landing and one right north of where the siege took place. So in reality there was no surrender, and no reason for surrender, there was just the writers deciding that in this universe, showing up with an army to a place means that place is conquered, which seems to be a recurring thing in Game of Thrones.

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I have seen like 3 episodes of the show. idk what scene youre talking about.

yes I know why sieges didnt always happen and need to happen. im not saying they needed to happen in this case, im just saying the audience is retarded, and the creators etc are fuckwits. literally every person ive met who talks about this trash is fucking stupid.
example that episode where that little freak dwarf cunt goes into battle with an army through some secret tunnel, he gets pushed over straight away like the manlet he is, and somehow survives. how can anyone watch this slop.

>like, the viewer obviously thinks the dead will rise but then it's shown that the Starks knew how to keep a body safe from resurrection and that's why they're all in stone tombs with iron swords laid across.

The kino thing to do there was for the dead starks to rise and fight the other undead showing how noble and uncorruptable they were even in death.

>Muh tax policy...

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>Was Aragorn a good ruler?

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>Army arrives at Highgarden
>Soldiers shout "Highgarden!" at the top of their lungs
>The march continues

He didn't write this pig slop

The only incorruptible Stark was Ned because he was raised in the Eyrie, though. The other Starks were as brutal as the rest of the Northern houses because they didn't have the whole Knight's Pledge thing that Ned was raised with.

The more she drank, the more she shat


in GoT a castle is the thing you march out of to attack the enemy army when you are under siege.

how could saruman support such a huge army of orcs? wouldn't they just starve before any major battle would take place?

They have a steady supply of maggoty bread

Duh, you never played rts? The units spawn from the barracks mate, nobody is laying siege to it.

that would be TERRIBLE. jesus christ you'd fit right in with D&D


I will never not be mad

I just read a book about the 30 years war and in that, most sieges went like this:

>march out with 20000 men
>lay siege to heretics
>half men die of plague
>half of the rest desert
>run out of prostitutes
>meanwhile, Cardinal Richelieu pays a country you've never heard of to attack the city you marched out of in step 1

basically Tolkien is making war look cool even when it seems like he isn't.

This is no rabble of starving orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their bellies are thick and their menus broad