What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Youtube became utterly toxic.
They became old and gay
everyone in this thread except me developed an unslakable thirst for cock
No more Joel
Burnie, i know you're bored and trying to figure out what went wrong with your company, but all the answers were given to you in the first thread. You don't need to make this over and over again.
>cow chop dead
>funhaus on their last legs
>geoff sober
>matt, the last cool RT executive, rarely shows up on anything
just fucking kill it already
Guy was gay and an hero'd in a public park.
Some companies/brands are able to re-brand or adapt to changing times, and others remain timeless.
RT didn't do either, so now its collecting dust on the shelf next to college humor and ray william johnson.
They had a good run, though, so no hard feelings. I'll always have a warm little place in my heart for the old red vs blue stuff.
>matt, the last cool RT executive
No that's Joel Heyman
you're right, forgot about him. is he even still with RT? he just kind of...disappeared
They're old so younger audience doesn't give a shit about them and their usual audience grew out of it and moved on. Also they decided they want to be very progressive/liberal and that pushed away a big chuck of audience. In truth there wasn't that much good content that came out of them, AH, Funhaus, Cow Chop were fun and now they dying/dead. Animation went to shit without Monty Kerry and Miles knows jack fucking shit about character writing, Live Action went to shit after they stopped making shorts, every big budget thing they made was god awful.
He just rants about economy 24/7 on his Twitter
I think he still works there, but they want to keep him behind the scenes because of his "controversial views"
I think they just kicked him out, because he wasn't liberal enough for them.
>Brb, just fucking everyone in the company
Nah, that would be Ashley.
I mean barb as a whore, but not because she sleeps around, she's more of a cumslut.
I remember when I was 13-14 my entire life revolved around Achievement Hunter. Looking back I’m very embarrased.
Literally everything after Red vs. Blue S3 was a mistake
Nah, Barb has slept with 6 guys in RT that I know of. Don't think Ashley has done that.
>Monty died
>that one guy whose name I don't know made a lot of content, starts a relationship with some girl at the company that turns sour and they fire him and keep her even though she doesn't do shit, then she quits anyways
>hired Meg Turney for a time who is a glorified whore that pretends she's a gaymer to cash in simp bucks that made internet drama bait videos every week
>hired some nigger to join AH that can't play a single game and had to be taught how to play Minecraft
>RT took BrownMan's Twitch from him taking his subs and followers and told him he wasn't allowed to stream which led him to hand in his resignation where now he streams on his new Twitch
I'm sure there's a lot more but I can't be asked to remember
Aaron, Trevor, Gav, Burnie.
Who else?
Think I've watched a total of 5 Funhaus videos this year. It's just not the same without Bruce and to a lesser extent Lawrence
>Micheal married this
Fuck, no wonder he shouts at vidya games.
Same. As much as I like James/Adam. Bruce was the link between them all. His streams are SO FUCKING BORING
It's not like he could do any better with his baby face in glasses.
Nah, Ashley just fucked Bernie and got a job out of it
It's kinda funny how Kara just tore into her on fucking international women's day of all days over that
Why doesnt she lose the weight and look like a odd version of TswifT?
When did you stop watching bros?
For me, it's when they kept having that fag Miles on the podcast. The "hey my buddy this one time at college blah blah blah" stories were utter cringe
Married women have no incentive to get in shape. If they get divorced, they're already guaranteed to 50% of whatever the husband owns.
2014ish I think. not too long after Ray left
Ray leaving didn't cause them to go to shit.
Them going to shit caused Ray to leave.
>Joel not on it anymore
>Jack and Gus obvious disdain for the fans (though given how cringe the fanbase is, it's justified)
>Barbra hitting the wall
>Gavin's lol so randumb schtick was driven into the ground
>Geoff not really there anymore
>Mica Burton incident
>Kick Vic bullshit
>getting the whole "such a cool place to work for" notion blown out by minimum wagies having to do endless crunch
>Ray leaving, this hurt them as he was the only one genuinely good at vidya
>too many women and diversity hires that old fans and new fans hate
>Burnie is nearly 50 now so he's a dinosaur in a digital workplace
>Monty dying, fags like Miles brought in to try and fill the void
Around when Ray left. I kept watching their old lets plays for a while after - I can't stand the shitty and unfunny replacements. But eventually I just stopped especially after all the drama after drama after drama. They seem to have a disdain for their fanbase
The original cops and robbers gta videos were so good. Those 6 had amazing chemistry. Too bad they cucked Ray who just left after that and they brought in 2 stumbling fanboys with the charisma of dead rats.